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enclosed her and she instinctively pulled the rope faster. Her chest tightened, heart
pounding inside the tiny tomb.
Just as she was about to panic, an unusual room came into view, lit with candles
and tiny lights. Ivory pillars were mounted in all four corners of the room, with an
assortment of whips, chains and other sexual paraphernalia hanging from them. Décor
reminiscent of Rome filled the spaces between the pillars. She climbed out from the
Domwaiter, her eyes taking their time to adjust. A four-poster bed with built-in straps
sat in the middle of the spacious room, big enough for several couples. She could see
being tied to the bed, her legs raised and her heels in stirrups. Surrounding the bed was
a wooden chariot, and a couple objects hidden beneath white silk sheets. Davian went
to lift one of the sheets when a deep voice resonated behind her.
 Good evening.
She turned swiftly on her heel. A man of medium build dressed in a gladiator outfit
stood with his hands behind his back. On his head he wore a black helmet with a metal
grid that concealed the whole of his face, though she scarcely glimpsed a hint of hazel to
his eyes. She had a soft spot for hazel, thanks to Liam.
 Welcome, my lovely submissive. I m pleased to make your acquaintance this
His gaze traveled up and down her form, lingering in all the right spots.
Next Floor Naughty
Her nipples beaded beneath the silken material of her camisole, taunting the
hardened nubs further. The room started to spin and warmth spread through Davian s
body. Her moist sex throbbed beneath her panties, soaking them straight through.
 I see you re wearing your collar, that s a good girl. How would you rate yourself
as a submissive? Do you often do as you re told, or are you rebellious and unruly?
 Most of the time I m good. I have my moments. It was a lie, but he didn t have to
know everything about her. She had a feeling he missed the humor of her answer.
He walked around her, his voice crisp as he spoke.  Tonight while you re with me,
you will obey each of my commands. You ll be greatly rewarded when you do. Before
we begin, have you picked out a safe word?
 Um, yes. Teapot.
 Good. From what I can see, you keep in shape. Take off your undergarments and
let me inspect the rest of my property.
Davian looped her thumbs beneath the sides of her panties and slowly slid them off
over her heels. She wondered if her Master liked women with or without pubic hair.
Liam had never addressed her as his property, and she hoped he never would. The
word sounded barbaric. She paused and then removed the chemise over her head and
dropped it to the floor next to her panties. Davian started to unroll her stockings.
 Leave those on. And your heels.
His gaze made love to her and her body reacted. She closed her eyes and let him
take his time, her pussy ignited.
 Yes. You are an amazing vision. Do you enjoy being bound?
She opened her eyes and shifted her weight. Already her pulse doubled.
 Yes, I do.
Ann Cory
Davian wished she could see his face. It was difficult to read his thoughts through
the helmet. He closed the distance until he stood half an inch in front of her. His breath
smelled spicy.
 I have my way of doing things. As my submissive, you are to follow my rules.
While we have never met, I believe you aren t as good a girl as you claim. Mischief is in
your eyes. I ll play no games here. I am to be addressed only as Master. Do not speak
unless I ve requested an answer from you, the only exception being your safe word. I m
not interested in hurting you or scaring you, so please try not to use your safe word out
of nervousness. Do you understand?
 Yes, what?
She snapped to attention.  Yes, Master.
 Good. That deserves a reward.
He reached out and wrapped his fingers around her nipples, rolling them and then
pinching hard. Davian s head swam. She opened her mouth to groan but his hand
silenced her.
 Do not make a sound unless I give you permission.
He pinched harder and she pressed her lips tight together.
 You like your nipples pinched, don t you submissive?
 Yes, Master.
He took a step closer. His erection drummed against the front of her thigh. Her
knees felt liquid, sex warm and damp. All she could do was pretend he was Liam to
stay in the fantasy mode.
 Get down on all fours.
Davian assumed the position and was met with a heavy blow of a solid object
across her bottom. She gasped and he delivered another, sharper than the one before.
Next Floor Naughty
 Quiet! I m going to paddle your golden ass until it glows bright red. I won t stop
until it s the exact color I want. Unless you can t handle the pain and you need to use
your safe word, I don t want to hear anything out of you.
Her mind reeled at the thought of what he might do. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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