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Her eyes held a glint of mockery. Anna faced her again. "This is a joke," she
said. "The
Folk are playing pranks again. Morgiana-the things an Assassin will laugh at,
even a tame
Thea's muzzle wrinkled. Anger, scorn, or both. "It is a joke," Anna persisted.
"It can't be what it seems to be. We were in the tower, and
Alun was falling hopelessly in love with his own prophecy, and-was A stab of
pain brought her up short. This time Thea had not broken flesh, only nipped it
scathingly. Anna hit her. Tried to.
One could not hit air and fire. Even air and fire in an iron collar, with ears
pressed flat and fangs bared. Very slowly Anna sank down, huddling into her
skirts. She was cold, and not only with the damp chill of stone untapestried
and uncarpeted, with neither hearth nor fire to warm her.
Anger was no help. She had been in the White
Keep, warm and glad, and now she was elsewhere. And
Thea-Thea was a shape-changer, that was her nature, the white gazehound her
most beloved disguise; but not collared and chained and in visible discomfort,
perhaps even in pain, her children transformed as was she, not after she had
labored so long against her very nature to bear them in their proper forms.
"Thea," Anna said as steadily as she could, "Thea, if this isn't a joke or a
game, you had better put an end to it. Your babies are too young yet for
If Thea's eyes had blazed before, now they blinded; her snarl had risen to a
roar. Anna caught her before she could lunge-stupid, stupid; but her hands
were tightly bound, protected. At length
Thea quieted. She crouched panting, trem bling, her short fur bristling.
Shakily Anna smoothed it. "You can't," she translated. She felt weak and
dizzy. The Kindred were powerful, invincible.
Nothing could bind them, nothing compel them. Not prayers, not cold iron, not
any mortal prison. There was nofAingthey could not do. Thea made a small
bitter sound, half whine, half growl.
"But what? Who? Why?"
Thea could not answer. She could not even set her
voice the hounds of god 93
in Anna's mind; and that was worse than all the rest of it together. Anna had
never been a very womanly woman. In extremity, she did not weep or storm or
otherwise conduct herself as befit her sex. No; she became very still, and she
Brooded, some might say, except that she did not let revenge overwhelm her
reason. She returned to the relative comfort of the pallet, spread the blanket
over herself and her companions, and concentrated upon staying warm, still,
and sane. It was cruelly hard. She kept seeing Alun falling and
Thea changing, melting and dwindling into a maddened beast.
Then darkness, and this. Whatever this might be.
At first she thought she had imagined it. A
glimmer. A humming. A tensing of the air.
She had no weapon, not even the little knife she used for trimming pens.
Thea's head was up, ears pricked, a silent growl stirring her throat.
Shadows shifted and took substance. Anna stared.
They remained: a bowl, two jars, a plate. The bowl held meat, blood-raw; the
plate a hard gray loaf and a lump of cheese, an onion and a handful of olives.
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One jar sloshed with liquid; the other was empty, but in shape and size
eloquent enough.
Anna's body knotted from throat to thigh. She had not known she could have so
many needs all at once, amid such a nightmare. The air, having yielded up its
burdens, was still. Anna fought to quell her thudding heart. "What is this?
Who plays these games with us?" Silence. "Where are we?
Who are you who taunt us with your power?"
Nothing changed. No voice responded. No figure appeared before her. She had
been speaking
Rhiyanan; she shifted to the landed'oeil. Nothing.
"Who?" she demanded in Provencal, in Saxon, in
Latin, and last of all, with fading hope, in
The closed door mocked her despair. She leaped toward the grille and clung.
Without lay only darkness, and
94 Judith Tarr silence, and empty air. "Damn you!" Anna screamed at it, still
in her own native Greek.
"Who are you?"
She could as easily have shouted at the stones, or at Thea, who at least would
acknowledge that she spoke.
Her hands cried pain; she undamped them, dropping the handspan to the floor.
There was wine in the smaller jar, sour and much watered but drinkable. She
gulped down a mouthful, two, three, before she choked. Thea wavered in front
of her. She had a terrible head for wine; she was dizzy already. She blinked
hard. The hound was on her feet, and the wavering was not entirely in Anna's
Anna picked up the bowl. It was surprisingly good meat. She set it where Thea
could reach it.
The witch-hound sniffed it, shuddered, turned her
head away. "You have to eat," Anna said.
Thea's eye was as yellow as a cat's, pupiled like a cat's, more alien even in
that face than in her own.
"Eat," Anna commanded her. "You were never so fastidious before, when you
didn't need your strength except to play. Eat!" Thea did not precisely obey.
Rather, she chose to taste the offering. Anna had less restraint. She had to
struggle not to bolt it all down at once. Like the wine, like the meat, the
food was inelegant but adequate, far better than any prison fare she had ever
heard of. And it gave her strength; it brought her to her senses, and woke her
to a quiver of hope. Whatever was to become of them all, certainly they would
not starve.
Having eaten and drunk and put the chamberpot to good use, Anna lay on the
Thea had finished the bowl after all and licked it until it gleamed dully; she
returned to her whimpering offspring and began to wash them and herself. And
that, reflected Anna, was a tremendous advantage; she might be condemned to
speechlessness, but she would be clean.
the hounds OF god 95
She could also sleep, abmptly and thoroughly, as
Anna could not. Anna stroked her flank, and after a pause, the small bodies
nestled against it. They were warm and soft and supple, a little damp still
from their cleansing, breathing gently. Very carefully Anna lifted one, the
silver- gilt creature who was
Liahan, cradling her. She fit easily into two joined hands, who in other shape
had made an ample armful. Anna swallowed hard. The small things were always
the worst to bear. "We'll get out of here," she whispered into the twitching
ear. "Somehow. We'll get out. I promise you."
Prior Giacomo was in no very good mood. Never mind that the day was glorious,
bright as a new coin and touched with a fragile, fugitive, springlike warmth.
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Never mind that he was free to enjoy it within certain easy limits: the
Abbot's dispensation to walk abroad, good company in young [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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