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Piss and fart.
Sound at heart.
Mingere cum bumbis,
Res saluberrima est lumbis.
I dare not trust my a-se with a fart: said by a person troubled
with a looseness.
FART CATCHER. A valet or footman from his walking
behind his master or mistress.
FARTLEBERRIES. Excrement hanging about the anus.
FASTNER. A warrant.
FAT. The last landed, inned, or stowed, of any sort of
merchandise: so called by the water-side porters, carmen, All the fat is in the fire; that is, it is all over
with us: a
saying used in case of any miscarriage or disappointment
in an undertaking; an allusion to overturning the
frying pan into the fire. Fat, among printers, means void
AS FAT AS A HEN IN THE FOREHEAD. A saying of a meagre person.
FAT CULL. A rich fellow.
FAULKNER. A tumbler, juggler, or shewer of tricks; perhaps
because they lure the people, as a faulconer does his
hawks. CANT.
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FAYTORS, or FATORS. Fortune tellers.
FAWNEY RIG. A common fraud, thus practised: A fellow
drops a brass ring, double gilt, which he picks up before
the party meant to be cheated, and to whom he disposes
of it for less than its supposed, and ten times more than
its real, value. See MONEY DROPPER.
FAWNEY. A ring.
FEAGUE. To feague a horse; to put ginger up a horse's
fundament, and formerly, as it is said, a live eel, to make
him lively and carry his tail well; it is said, a forfeit is
incurred by any horse-dealer's servant, who shall shew a
horse without first feaguing him. Feague is used,
figuratively, for encouraging or spiriting one up.
FEAK. The fundament.
To FEATHER ONE'S NEST. To enrich one's self.
FEATHER-BED LANE. A rough or stony lane.
FEE, FAW, FUM. Nonsensical words, supposed in childish
story-books to be spoken by giants. I am not to be frighted
by fee, faw, fum; I am not to be scared by nonsense.
FEEDER. A spoon. To nab the feeder; to steal a spoon.
FEET. To make feet for children's stockings; to beget
children. An officer of feet; a jocular title for an officer
of infantry.
FEINT. A sham attack on one part, when a real one is meant
at another.
FELLOW COMMONER. An empty bottle: so called at the
university of Cambridge, where fellow commoners are
not in general considered as over full of learning. At
Oxford an empty bottle is called a gentleman commoner
for the same reason. They pay at Cambridge 250 l. a year
for the privilege of wearing a gold or silver tassel to their
caps. The younger branches of the nobility have the
privilege of wearing a hat, and from thence are denominated HAT
FEN. A bawd, or common prostitute. CANT.
TO FENCE. To pawn or sell to a receiver of stolen goods.
The kiddey fenced his thimble for three quids; the young
fellow pawned his watch for three guineas. To fence
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invariably means to pawn or sell goods to a receiver.
FENCING KEN. The magazine, or warehouse, where
stolen goods are secreted.
FERME. A hole. CANT.
FERMERDY BEGGARS. All those who have not the sham
sores or clymes.
FERRARA. Andrea Ferrara; the name of a famous sword-
cutler: most of the Highland broad-swords are marked
with his name; whence an Andrea Ferrara has become
the common name for the glaymore or Highland broad-
sword. See GLAYMORE.
FERRET. A tradesman who sells goods to youug unthrift
heirs, at excessive rates, and then continually duns them
for the debt. To ferret; to search out or expel any one
from his hiding-place, as a ferret drives out rabbits; also
to cheat. Ferret-eyed; red-eyed: ferrets have red eyes.
FETCH. A trick, wheedle, or invention to deceive.
FEUTERER. A dog-keeper: from the French vautrier, or
vaultrier, one that leads a lime hound for the chase.
TO FIB. To beat. Fib the cove's quarron in the rumpad
for the lour in his bung; beat the fellow in the highway
for the money in his purse. CANT. A fib is also a tiny lie.
FICE, or FOYSE. A small windy escape backwards, more
obvious to the nose than ears; frequently by old ladies
charged on their lap-dogs. See FIZZLE.
FID OF TOBACCO. A quid, from the small pieces of tow
with which the vent or touch hole of a cannon is stopped.
FIDDLE FADDLE. Trifling discourse, nonsense. A mere
fiddle faddle fellow; a trifier.
FIDDLESTICK'S END. Nothing; the end of the ancient
fiddlesticks ending in a point; hence metaphorically used
to express a thing terminating in nothing.
FIDGETS. He has got the fidgets; said of one that cannot
sit long in a place.
FIDLAM BEN. General thieves; called also St. Peter's sons,
having every finger a fish-hook. CANT.
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FIDDLERS MONEY. All sixpences: sixpence being the
usual sum paid by each couple, for music at country
wakes and hops. Fiddler's fare; meat, drink, and money.
Fiddler's pay; thanks and wine.
FIELD LANE DUCK. A baked sheep's head.
FIERI FACIAS. A red-faced man is said to have been served
with a writ of fieri facias.
FIGDEAN. To kill. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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