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working.  Probably not. But they re a bit off.
 Yeah, I got that. She lifted smiling eyes to his.  So I guess I owe you a thank-you,
Oh yeah. A thank you sounded nice.  I guess you do.
She tugged. He complied by dipping his head. Sophie stretched to her tiptoes and
pressed her lips gently against his.  Thank you. Her voice was husky as she dropped
back to her feet.
 You re welcome, Jake murmured. If she thought that was the end of it, then she d
misjudged him. He lowered his head and kissed her, going deep. The woman tasted like
strawberries, and he wanted to feast for days. Maybe weeks. His hands encircled her
waist to pull her against him. Finally, he let her go.  You make up your mind?
Sophie smoothed out the wrinkles she d caused. She kept her eyes chest level.  Still
mulling it over.
Jake stepped back and released her waist before placing one knuckle under her chin
and lifting it until her eyes met his.  Take your time, Soph.
He d learned patience as a lawyer, and knew when to back off which is why he always
won. Sophie s acquiescence was much more important than any case he d ever taken,
and finesse was necessary.  I need to get to court. I ll call you later.
He jumped into his truck, not looking back. If he looked back, no way would he leave.
The woman had to make up her own mind to come to him. When she did then he d take
Saturday night arrived, and again, she d agreed to dinner with Jake. It was as if she
wanted to get her heart smashed.
She d spent Friday alternating between designing the garden, playing in her
sketchbook, and pondering Jake s proposal. The time would soon come for her to make a
decision. She wanted him, without question. But the last thing she needed was a broken
Sophie wore a light pink skirt with deep blue blouse for dinner, and she waited for him
on the porch swing. Her new boots finished the outfit perfectly. Tall, broad, yet somehow
graceful, he approached from his truck, a sexy predator in civilized clothing.
She smiled from her perch on the swing.  I have something for you.
 What s that? His boots made dull thuds as he crossed the painted wood.
Sophie handed him the charcoal of Leila with her pretty hair in ribboned braids, her
eyes sparking with spirit and intelligence as she won a new foal from her uncle. Softly
rounded cheeks and delicate features hinted at the lovely woman who would one day
emerge from the impish body.
The scents of natural pine and wild berries lifted the air around them as Jake accepted
her gift.
 Sophie, Jake breathed, holding the thick paper at arm s length.  It s beautiful. She s
beautiful. Thank you. His eyes warmed her.
He really liked her work. Delight flashed through her as she accepted his hand and
walked to the truck. They drove for a while, both lost in their own thoughts, and Sophie
stilled in surprise when he pulled into his long driveway.
 I m cooking you dinner. Intimacy and something deeper wove through his words.
Sophie took a deep breath.  I won t push you. Just dinner. He enfolded her hand with his
larger one.
She nodded. The need to see where he lived, where he slept, propelled her from the
truck. Thick logs made a three-story home with large wraparound porch and deep green
door. A massive three-car garage sat apart from the house to the right.
 That s a big house, , she murmured.
 It was my family s. Mom moved to Tom s when they married. I bought out my siblings
when I married Emily.
 Where do your siblings live? Sophie climbed the burnished oak steps.
 Colton plans to build a house over behind the east ridge with a great view of the lake,
and Quinn already built his over on the south side next to the river. It s closer to town so
he can get there in a hurry if they need the sheriff. Dawn still lives at home and hopefully
will until she s forty. He opened the heavy door and gestured her inside.  We own the
ranch equally, so whoever s working it takes a salary, and then we split the profits or
 Wow. That s great that you guys split it so fairly. Renewed longing for a family [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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