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mother& unless of course Talon wanted to pass on one of his own family names. And when the King had reached an age where he was too tired to continue the responsibilities of the crown, he would abdicate in favor of his handsome son-in-law, and together Talon and Shasta would be the best rulers Ithyria had ever known. They would clean up the provincial governments, establish schools for the children of Ithyria, abolish the laws that made women the property of their husbands and fathers. And oh, the delicious, romantic irony of seeing a common Outlander rule the country as king! It was a pleasant daydream. Of course, there was the small matter of getting her guardian to return her feelings. Her chances didn t seem promising, for with each passing day, he seemed more and more determined to ignore her. She was beginning to think she might never get through to him. * Spring turned into early summer and the weather began to get hot, especially in the afternoons. Shasta grew faint at times from the combination of heat and heavy gowns, and her tutors began to schedule lessons in the cooler hours of the morning so that her afternoons were free and she could lounge around her chambers in her lighter dressing robes. On one such afternoon in her sitting room, Shasta looked up from the book in her lap and brushed a damp strand of hair from her forehead. She resented the mugginess of summer almost as much as the winter cold. Both extremes kept her cooped up indoors with nothing much to do. She was clad in an airy pink silk robe with short, fluttering sleeves that was much cooler than any of her heavier layered skirts and petticoats, but she was still feeling slightly light-headed. It was more humid than usual today, probably thanks to the rain shower the night before, and the air felt heavy in her lungs. Talon was sitting in his usual chair by the hearth, one ankle crossed over his knee. The heat did not seem to bother him as much as it did her. Even on this sweltering afternoon he wore long dark trousers and a linen shirt buttoned all the way to his neck. There were several open books on the floor and an unfurled map on the table to his right, and he was busy scribbling something on the blank page of a notebook balanced carefully against one thigh. His dark hair was plastered lightly to his forehead, and one stubborn lock kept falling forward into his eyes as he worked. Nurse had left a few minutes ago to see to the preparation of lunch, so they were alone for the time being. Shasta closed the book in her lap.I ve tried everything else , she reasoned, rising to her feet.It s Page 118 Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html now or never. Talon looked up at her. Highness? She approached him with deliberate steps, taking the quill from his hand and closing the notebook and setting them both on top of the map on the table. Her guardian blinked at her curiously. Is everything all right? Shasta tugged at his hands and he stood obediently. She found herself looking up into his face, a full head above her own. Taking a deep breath, she thought of Bria s words.Men only understand one language. She placed her hands on his chest, running them slowly along his collarbone and then over his shoulders and around his neck. Meeting his dark eyes, she smiled shyly and rose on tiptoe. * Talon felt her entire body tense beneath Shasta s touch. Highness, what are you doing? The Princess s fingers wound into her hair, and she tugged Talon s head down until Talon could feel lips brushing lightly against one earlobe. Shasta s breath tickled her neck and sent a sudden uncontrollable shiver coursing along her spine. Talon gave a sharp gasp and seized Shasta s wrists. Shasta. Stop. She rarely used the Princess s first name, but it seemed to get her attention. Why? The amber eyes searched her face teasingly. Don t you like me? Shasta pressed her hips gently into Talon s, but did not attempt to free her hands. Princess, you know that isn t even an option. Talon forced herself not to dwell on the feel of Shasta s body against her own, or how remarkably beautiful the Princess looked with her heat-flushed cheeks and charmingly damp hairline. She realized her charge must have tired of subtlety and was now going to try a more aggressive approach. If it had been anyone else it might have been comical; the Princess was such an innocent and she was trying far too hard to be seductive. But there was nothing funny about the way Talon s heart had begun to pound. You don t know what you re doing. I know enough. And what I don t know, you can teach me. Talon backed away, releasing Shasta s wrists. No. She was startled by the bitter look that crossed the Princess s face. You don t seem to mind when Erinda touches you. Erinda? I ve seen you, so don t pretend you don t know what I m talking about. Talon ran a hand through her hair, her mind racing. She wasn t sure when the Princess had learned of her relationship with the chambermaid, or exactly how much Shasta really knew. Talon chose to keep her answer vague. That s different. Page 119 Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Why? Because I m the Princess? No& yes. Talon took a deep breath. Princess, there are things that you don t know about me. I m your guardian, and this is wrong. I love you, Talon. What s wrong with that? Everything! Talon growled. You can t have feelings like that for me, Princess, you mustn t. Desperately she tried to think of an explanation, an excuse, anything to keep the Princess from touching her again. Look, I know you think you re in love with me, but you re not. I am. You don t even know me. Shasta laughed. I spend every minute of the day with you. I think I know you pretty well. You don t know anything. And Erinda does? Is that it? Yes. Are you in love with her? The hurt in the Princess s voice was unmistakable, and Talon closed her eyes tightly to maintain control. No. Erinda and I have an understanding, that s all. What kind of understanding could you have with a servant girl that you can t have with me? I can t explain it. Can t or won t? Both. Shasta gave a little screech. Why do you always do this? Why are you always so closed off and distant? If I don t know you, maybe it s because you re so damned elusive, like you re hiding some huge secret all the time. I tell you everything, Talon. Everything. It s not fair. She stamped her foot childishly. I could make you tell me, you know. Or I could make your precious Erinda tell me. It wouldn t be that hard. Princess. Talon tried for a reasonable tone. If you love me as you say you do, then you have to trust me. I m sorry I can t tell you everything, but I can t. The confusion and pain in Shasta s amber eyes was too much for Talon to stand, and she could not help taking the Princess s face in her hands. Listen, if my relationship with Erinda bothers you so much, I ll call it off. Is that what you want?
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