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Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html growl of warning that comes from deep inside me and curls my hands into fists. It stops him. He holds the hand palm up in a gesture of conciliation. Slowly, he points to the desk and I realize he was reaching for something on it, not aiming a blow at me. I m both relieved andembarrassed.Goahead. He picks up a small round stone, red as blood, and holds it in his palm. He closes his eyes, mumbling something in a language I don t understand. At first, I m so busy watching his face that I almost miss it. Then I see.His hand. Nails lengthen into claws, the palm becomes a leathery pad, and fur the color of midnight surrounds the-paw. I press myself against the wall, unable to take my eyes off what looks for all the world like a panther s paw.Whatare you? Daniel Frey moves, drawing my attention back to his face. He opens his eyes, places the stone back on the desk and waits. In a moment the transformation is complete. He flexes the finger on his very human hand before answering. I m ashapeshifter . Shapeshifter?How much of your shape can you shift?Just the hands? Helaughs.Ofcourse not. I didn t think it prudent to give you a full demonstration when I have students due in a few minutes. A panther on campus would be hard to explain. I m surprised you didn t know right away. So many questions form in my head that I don t know what to askfirst.Canyouchange into anything else? Once you ve changed, how do you hold that stone to change back? Don t you need the moon to change? He picks up the last questionfirst.Themoon? You re thinking ofa were .An entirely different species altogether. And no, I can t change into anything else. I don t really need the stone either. It merely speeds up the process. I know I shouldn t be surprised at this.Shapeshifters.Werewolves.Vampires. What other creatures are there that I ve yet to discover? Frey answers, though the question is rhetorical. Let s see. I can name several right off the top of my head.Ghosts, for instance. Angels.Demons.Dragons. Dragons? Not many left. But there are a few.In remote jungles, mostly.And lost islands. I sink back down in the chair. Why do I feel as if we should be having this conversation on a moving staircase at Hogwarts not here in aCalifornia classroom? Frey is smiling atme.Nowthat sfiction. The school, that is, not the existence of witches and warlocks. They exist- Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html I hold up a hand to stop the flow. I m quickly reaching informationoverload.Let sget back to you. How manyshapeshifters do you know? Around here, I mean. Do you travel in prides? He resumes his perch on the corner of thedesk.No. We re pretty much solitary creatures. It s hard enough for one big cat to prowl the city undetected. It would be impossible for a pride. Besides, we re not all cats. Oh? There are all kinds ofshapeshifters . Some change into dogs.Birds.Snakes. That s when it clicks, like tumblers in a rusty old lock that yield when you re given the right combination. Culebra.Rattlesnake. It s so clear. Culebra?Freysnatches the name out of theair.Who sthat? I shake my head. I ll think about Culebra later. I need to get back to the reason I m here. I don t waste time forming thewords, just let Frey pick an edited version of the story out of my head. His face betrays nothing as he hears about Barbara and Trish and why Carolyn suspects he is involved with her daughter s disappearance. I m not specific, especially about Carolyn s accusations. I frame it in terms of rumor and innuendo. His mind is not closed to me and what he projects is hurt and puzzlement and a growing anger. Exchanging drugs for sex? Why would she think that? Why would anyone think that? My mother tells me those rumors have been around for awhile, just never been substantiated. In my experience, a story like that usually has some basis in fact. Frey draws himself up, fury hardening the lines around his eyes andmouth.Ihelp students. I don t feed them drugs and I certainly don t sleep with them. I can t believe your mother thinks that I might. Finding women to have sex with has never been a problem for me. And I do prefer women to girls. I didn t say my mother believes it. I m just saying she s heardit.Iraise myeyebrows.AndI veseen some of today s high school girls. They re pretty mature for their age. Nonetheless, I wouldn t do that. There have never been sleepovers or weekend seminars. God. Why would she say that? Ishrug.Whoknows? I pause briefly beforeasking,Andwhat about Barbara Franco? Did she come to see you? No. And if she had, I would have told her what I just told you. He answers directly and without any prevarication that I can detect. However, my experience with
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