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him ill after that. He had worked to avoid the desire altogether, but when he had to have a nip or go crazy, better to be from a victim ready to meet their maker. I ve lived in different places. I grew up right here in Romania. Really? Yet, you re taking a guided tour in English. Don t you remember your native language? Your homeland? Adrian smiled. I left a long time ago. I still speak Romanian, but I ve never seen some of the castles we ll be visiting. I d like the fresh perspective a more complete tour would give. It will be an education I should have had before I left. I know what you mean. I ve never visited the top of the Empire State Building or the inside of the Statue of Liberty. I keep meaning to do that. And how long have you lived in New York? Most of my life. I was born in Ireland but came to the United States as a kid. I went to Catholic middle and high schools in the city, then college. Adrian pictured Maura in her cute Catholic schoolgirl uniform and his fangs ached. He d be all right if he could get to his special vintage within the next hour. May I buy you a drink in the pub downstairs? Her body language practically shouted indecision not only in her hesitation, but in the way she looked to her left for a few seconds, then to her right, as if weighing both sides of the argument. I would, but I m a little jet-lagged. Of course, dear lady. I understand. He made a slight bow and reached for the door handle. 43 Ashlyn Chase But, I d love to have a drink with you some other time. We have the whole week, after all. Since his fangs hadn t descended, Adrian gave her his best grin. Yes, we do. I ll look forward to it. 44 Vampire Vintage Chapter Six As hard as it was to turn him away, Maura knew it was the right thing to do damn it. She pulled her trip journal from the front zippered pocket of her suitcase. The attached pen dangled from its long ribbon as she settled onto the uncomfortable bed. First evening in Romania. Met a Brit earlier today wearing a perfect example of what I m affectionately calling vampire vintage . Sadly, she bought everything in London. If I don t find enough of what I need here, perhaps I could extend my trip and make a quick stop in the UK. Any excuse for a holiday, right? I ll probably find everything I need right here in Romania, though. I have a week to explore the shops and marketplaces and haven t yet begun, but if I meet my vampire lover, I could get distracted, big time! Met a man tonight I d definitely be interested in if it weren t for my new mission. Chiseled features, dark hair and eyes and under his all black clothes I detect there s a toned, muscled physique. Talk about sexy as hell! There s something about those eyes. The way he looked at me& it was as if he knew me intimately. He s so hot I almost wish I hadn t given up on mortals just yet. I wonder& if I fooled around before summoning, would that count as cheating? Who knows? Who could I ask? The good news is I might be able to see him in New York if things don t work out with my vamp. Well, that s all the news that s fit to print. Maura tucked her journal away in the pocket of the suitcase. Opening the case, she mentally ran through wardrobe possibilities for the next day. She had packed lots of knits that coordinated and would travel well. Black and white was the theme for the week, with accessories to add a splash of color. Glancing around the room, she didn t see a closet. There were some hooks on the wall, but no hangers. That would never do for her clothing. She draped her robe over one of the hooks, but her clothes would have to be spread over the other twin bed in the shape of a flat Maura, like a life-sized paper doll. She extracted her slinky black pants from the bottom of the pile, shook them out and was pleased to see nary a wrinkle. Laying them out on the bottom half of the bed, she thought her white knit top with a silky purple paisley scarf would work. I know my butt looks good in those pants, so if I happen to meet my vampire right off the bat, I ll be ready. Ha! Vampire& right off the bat. Vampire bat. Maura, your mind s weird. Her walking shoes were almost sneaker-like, so she opted for her sexy, black, open- toed kitten heels. Later in the week she d resort to jeans and sneakers if her feet protested wearing a one-and-a-half-inch heel. 45 Ashlyn Chase Satisfied with her choices, she crossed to the suitcase again. Pajamas, nightgown or nothing? Not knowing if she d wind up sharing a room with another female later in the tour, nothing seemed the most efficient choice. That way, her nightwear would stay fresh. She washed up in the sink, brushed her teeth and flicked off the light. Bedtime. Ah, clean, starched sheets& cool and fresh against my naked body. If her flesh could sigh, it would have. Her heavy eyelids were desperate to close and had been for the past hour. She wriggled around to get comfortable and was asleep in seconds. She didn t know how long she d slept before a soft touch partially awakened her.
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