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explode any second now."
"I liked you better when you were offering thinly veiled
sexual favors," Tavish said and grabbed the last two bottles.
Between Royal and Jordan, they had cleared the fridge out.
The salary Patrice had offered him was generous, but Tavish
knew from experience that every little expense would come
out of his salary.
"Nothing I said was thinly veiled," Jordan said. He was
already looking better. Tavish hadn't thought he'd heard the
plastic rattle of a Dose sheet. Tavish crossed the floor and
passed Jordan the bottle. Jordan took it and touched Tavish's
Spaces Escapes
by Angela Fiddler, Jason Edding
with it, then stepped even closer. They were suddenly so
close their noses were less than an inch away.
Jordan didn't smell like most junkies Tavish had worked
with at the university. The stink of personal neglect and
chemical dependency was pretty much universal. Jordan
smelt of leather that was well worn and body heat. He
smelled of conditioned air and of hair product. There was a
touch of sweetness to his breath, excess sugar still not
neutralized, but the muscles were hard under the thin T-shirt
he wore.
Tavish looked up, blinking, and put his hands on Jordan's
shoulders to steady the sudden rush of vertigo. Jordan put his
hands on Tavish's hips.
Tavish's brain went suddenly blank. It was an interesting
sensation to not have a billion thoughts hurtling themselves
around his skull. It was ... nice.
And Jordan was nice, too. He was nice to look at and nice
to touch. His blue eyes were wide, and although his face was
still, there was one of those nice smiles lurking about the
corners of his mouth and eyes.
Tavish slid his hand down into the warmth of Jordan's
jacket and felt the plastic give way. He pulled out the sheet
and stepped back. The sheet was empty but for two small,
oblong blue pills.
"How high are you flying right now?" Tavish asked,
surprisingly bitter despite the fact that Jordan's choices were
really none of his business.
Jordan took another step forward. They were as close as
they had been before, but with none of the intimacy. "Give
Spaces Escapes
by Angela Fiddler, Jason Edding
them back," Jordan repeated. "I'm not going to ask you
"Okay," Tavish handed them back.
Jordan snatched them from his hand and then put down
his bottle mostly untouched and brushed past where Tavish
stood half in the hallway.
Tavish followed Jordan to the door. He hung onto the now
open door, and didn't want to ask Jordan to stay, even
though he really wanted Jordan to stay.
Tavish wanted to apologize all over again, to tell him that
he was wrong to even play at taking something so personal,
but he couldn't. "You're not going to drive like this," he said,
knowing how lame it sounded.
Jordan grinned, bitterly. He knew it was a weapon. It was
an almost impossible mask to see past. "Don't you worry
about me." He kissed the top of Tavish's head, sloppily. "I'll
be just fine."
Tavish did worry. He wanted to call Jordan back but Jordan
turned and started down the hall, however unsteadily.
Whether in a straight line or not, Jordan Patrice did in fact
have a nice ass.
Tavish watched until the lift took Jordan away but Jordan
never looked back once.
All the way back to his desk, Tavish berated himself. Royal
had been a Very Bad Idea and he couldn't begin to fathom
how much worse Jordan was going to be. He used to have
such sane, sensible taste.
The data sheets blurred the longer he stared at them.
Statistics and percentages, blood work results, time sheets
Spaces Escapes
by Angela Fiddler, Jason Edding
for the amount of hours spent in the mine. There was nothing
on the table that could save a life tonight, and without an
assistant to shoo him off to bed, he had to decide for himself
it was time for sleep. It felt like he was leaving things
undone. There were tons of raw information he could
memorize when his head was still in a relatively clear state,
and not when the critical time had come for a bit of obscure
chart detail to save the day. There was nothing more that he
hated than feeling unfinished.
The blanket he stripped off the bed had pooled where
Jordan had kicked it. He'd already screwed up enough for one
So he went to bed. His body was accustomed to snatching
rest where rest was found, so a whole, uninterrupted night in
a real bed was a rare treat.
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Spaces Escapes
by Angela Fiddler, Jason Edding
Chapter Two
Jordan wandered past where Betty was parked with just a
pang of regret. But he didn't doubt for a second that his
father had the transport marked in some way. He'd spent
hours looking for it, but his father's engineers were better at
hiding than he was at finding.
As soon as he was out of sight of Tavish's apartment, he
straightened his walk. The denatured Dose he took gave him
all the side effects of the habitual drug, let him test positive
to whatever drug test his father threw at him, but didn't [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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