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our own selfish ends. Many of us have wasted a lot of
time doing that and it doesn t work. You can easily see
If circumstances warrant, we ask our wives or friends
to join us in morning meditation. If we belong to a reli-
gious denomination which requires a definite morning
devotion, we attend to that also. If not members of reli-
gious bodies, we sometimes select and memorize a few
set prayers which emphasize the principles we have been
discussing. There are many helpful books also. Sugges-
tions about these may be obtained from one s priest,
minister, or rabbi. Be quick to see where religious people
are right. Make use of what they offer.
As we go through the day we pause, when agitated
or doubtful, and ask for the right thought or action.
We constantly remind ourselves we are no longer
running the show, humbly saying to ourselves many times
each day  Thy will be done. We are then in much less
danger of excitement, fear, anger, worry, self-pity, or fool-
ish decisions. We become much more efficient. We do
not tire so easily, for we are not burning up energy fool-
ishly as we did when we were trying to arrange life to suit
It works it really does.
We alcoholics are undisciplined. So we let God disci-
pline us in the simple way we have just outlined.
But this is not all. There is action and more action.
 Faith without works is dead. The next chapter is en-
tirely devoted to Step Twelve.
Chapter 7
RACTICAL EXPERIENCE shows that nothing will
Pso much insure immunity from drinking as intensive
work with other alcoholics. It works when other activi-
ties fail. This is our twelfth suggestion: Carry this mes-
sage to other alcoholics! You can help when no one else
can. You can secure their confidence when others fail.
Remember they are very ill.
Life will take on new meaning. To watch people re-
cover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness van-
ish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host
of friends this is an experience you must not miss. We
know you will not want to miss it. Frequent contact
with newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of
our lives.
Perhaps you are not acquainted with any drinkers who
want to recover. You can easily find some by asking a
few doctors, ministers, priests or hospitals. They will
be only too glad to assist you. Don t start out as an
evangelist or reformer. Unfortunately a lot of prejudice
exists. You will be handicapped if you arouse it. Minis-
ters and doctors are competent and you can learn much
from them if you wish, but it happens that because of
your own drinking experience you can be uniquely useful
to other alcoholics. So cooperate; never criticize. To be
helpful is our only aim.
When you discover a prospect for Alcoholics Anony-
mous, find out all you can about him. If he does not want
to stop drinking, don t waste time trying to persuade
him. You may spoil a later opportunity. This advice is
given for his family also. They should be patient, realiz-
ing they are dealing with a sick person.
If there is any indication that he wants to stop, have a
good talk with the person most interested in him usu-
ally his wife. Get an idea of his behavior, his problems,
his background, the seriousness of his condition, and his
religious leanings. You need this information to put your-
self in his place, to see how you would like him to ap-
proach you if the tables were turned.
Sometimes it is wise to wait till he goes on a binge. The
family may object to this, but unless he is in a dangerous
physical condition, it is better to risk it. Don t deal with
him when he is very drunk, unless he is ugly and the
family needs your help. Wait for the end of the spree, or
at least for a lucid interval. Then let his family or a friend
ask him if he wants to quit for good and if he would go to
any extreme to do so. If he says yes, then his attention
should be drawn to you as a person who has recovered.
You should be described to him as one of a fellowship
who, as part of their own recovery, try to help others and
who will be glad to talk to him if he cares to see you.
If he does not want to see you, never force yourself upon
him. Neither should the family hysterically plead with him to
do anything, nor should they tell him much about you. They
should wait for the end of his next drinking bout. You might
place this book where he can see it in the interval. Here no
specific rule can be given. The family must decide these
things. But urge them not to be over-anxious, for that
might spoil matters.
Usually the family should not try to tell your story.
When possible, avoid meeting a man through his family.
Approach through a doctor or an institution is a better
bet. If your man needs hospitalization, he should have
it, but not forcibly unless he is violent. Let the doctor,
if he will, tell him he has something in the way of a
When your man is better, the doctor might suggest a
visit from you. Though you have talked with the family,
leave them out of the first discussion. Under these con-
ditions your prospect will see he is under no pressure.
He will feel he can deal with you without being nagged by
his family. Call on him while he is still jittery. He may be
more receptive when depressed.
See your man alone, if possible. At first engage in gen-
eral conversation. After a while, turn the talk to some
phase of drinking. Tell him enough about your drinking
habits, symptoms, and experiences to encourage him to
speak of himself. If he wishes to talk, let him do so. You
will thus get a better idea of how you ought to proceed.
If he is not communicative, give him a sketch of your
drinking career up to the time you quit. But say nothing,
for the moment, of how that was accomplished. If he is
in a serious mood dwell on the troubles liquor has caused
you, being careful not to moralize or lecture. If his mood
is light, tell him humorous stories of your escapades.
Get him to tell some of his.
When he sees you know all about the drinking game,
commence to describe yourself as an alcoholic.
Tell him how baffled you were, how you finally learned
that you were sick. Give him an account of the struggles
you made to stop. Show him the mental twist which
leads to the first drink of a spree. We suggest you do this
as we have done it in the chapter on alcoholism. If he is
alcoholic, he will understand you at once. He will match
your mental inconsistencies with some of his own.
If you are satisfied that he is a real alcoholic, begin to
dwell on the hopeless feature of the malady. Show him,
from your own experience, how the queer mental condi-
tion surrounding that first drink prevents normal function-
ing of the will power. Don t, at this stage, refer to this
book, unless he has seen it and wishes to discuss it. And
be careful not to brand him as an alcoholic. Let him draw
his own conclusion. If he sticks to the idea that he can still
control his drinking, tell him that possibly he can if he is
not too alcoholic. But insist that if he is severely afflicted,
there may be little chance he can recover by himself. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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