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chemise rucked up.
She tugged it loose, but the glimpse of her magnificent backside sent a wash
of gratified amazement through him. She knuckle-thumped the bedroom wall in
quick staccato. After a slow moment there was an answering knock.
"Your friend's up late?" Mallory said.
"She's used to this business," Hetty told him, sliding back in bed with a
chorus of squeaks.
"Never you mind Mrs. Cairns. She mills her poor husband about every Wednesday
and keeps the whole building awake."
Mallory carefully removed his French-letter, which had stretched out of shape
but not torn, file:///F|/rah/New%20Folder/Difference%20Engine,%20The.txt (93
of 178) [1/14/03 11:24:14 PM]
file:///F|/rah/New%20Folder/Difference%20Engine,%20The.txt and dropped it into
the pot-de-chambre. "Should we open a window? It's damned hot . . . "
"No, don't let in the Stink, dearie!" Hetty grinned in the lamplight, and
scratched herself beneath the sheet. "Anyway, the windows don't open."
"Why not?"
"The casements are all nailed tight. The girl who used to live here, last
winter . . . Queer little thing, with a po-face and fine gentry airs, but
awful frightened of her enemies. She nailed all the windows shut, I think.
They finally got her even so, poor creature."
"How is that, then?" Mallory asked.
"Oh, she never brought her men here, that I ever saw, but finally the coppers
came here looking for her. Specials, if you know the kind I mean. And they
gave me a sharp time of it too, the bastards, as if I knew what she did, or
who her friends were. I didn't even know her real name. Sybil something. Sybil
Mallory tugged at his beard. "What did she do, this Sybil Jones?"
"She had a child by an M.P. when she was young," Hetty said. "Fellow name of,
well, I doubt you want to know. She was a politician's tart, who used to sing
a bit. Me, I'm a tart who poses.
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Connaissez-vous poses plastiques?"
"No." Mallory noted without surprise that a flea had landed on his bare
knee-cap. He caught it, then cracked it bloodily between his thumbnails.
"We dress in tight leotards colored just like skin, and swan about and let
gentlemen gawk at us. Mrs. Winterhalter -- you saw her tonight in Cremorne,
bossing us about -- she's my manageress, as they say. The crowd was dreadful
thin tonight, and those Swede diplomats we was with are as tight as a
chicken's arse. So it was a bit of luck for me that you showed."
A rapping came at the door of the hall. Hetty rose. "Donnez-moi four
shillings," she said.
Mallory gave her some coins, which swiftly vanished as she left. Hetty
returned with a dented and chipped japanned tray and displayed a misshapen
loaf of bread, a lump of ham, mustard, four fried sausages, and a dusty split
of warm champagne.
Filling two stained champagne-flutes, she began to eat her supper, quite
composedly, without speaking. Mallory gazed fixedly at her dimpled arms and
shoulders and the swell of her heavy, dark-
nippled breasts in the thin chemise, and wondered a bit about the plainness of
her face. He drank a glass of the acrid, bad champagne, and ate the greenish
ham in famished mouthfuls.
Hetty finished the sausages. "Then, with a crooked smile, she slid out of bed,
and squatted by its side, hoisting the chemise to her waist. "That champagne
runs right through you, don't it? I
need the pot. Don't look unless you want to." Mallory looked aside politely
and listened to the rattle of piss.
"Let's wash," she said. "I'll fetch a basin." She came back with an enameled
pan of reeking
London water, and sponged at herself with a loofah.
"Your form is splendid," Mallory said. Her hands and feet were small, but the
columnar roundness of her calves and thighs were marvels of mammalian anatomy.
Her great solid buttocks were faultless. They seemed weirdly familiar to him,
like the white female buttocks he had seen in a dozen historical canvases. It
occurred to him that likely they were the very same. Her neat-
lipped cunt was furred with auburn hair.
She smiled at his stare. "Would you like to see me naked?"
"Very much."
"For a shilling?"
"All right."
She threw off her chemise with apparent relief, sweat standing out all over
her. She sponged tenderly at her dripping armpits. "I can stand in pose, not
moving at all, for full five minutes at a time," she said, slurring a bit. She
had drunk nearly all of the champagne. "Have you a watch? Ten shilling an'
I'll do it! Do you bet I can?"
"I'm sure you can do it," Mallory said.
Hetty bent gracefully, grasped her left ankle, and lifted it straight above
her head, her leg stiff at the knee. She began spinning about, slowly,
shuffling on heel and toe. "You like it?"
"Wonderful," Mallory said, stunned.
"Look, I can put both my hands quite flat on the floor," she said, bending at
the waist. "Most
London girls are so tight-laced they'd break in bloody half if they tried [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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