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slept with, he d always wanted Savannah to stay. He wasn t about to try to analyze what the hell that meant, or why he enjoyed seeing her sitting across from him at his kitchen table. It was too weird to even contemplate. He was a single guy. He liked dating a lot of women. Hell, he rarely even dated them. Yet he d single-mindedly pursued the hell out of Savannah. Maybe because she didn t want to have anything to do with him. They even enjoyed doing dishes together. Too goddamned domestic for his liking. Problem was, he did like it. Shit. I have an event for us to go to tonight, she said as he walked her outside. They d showered together, and had sex again. He d definitely liked that part of the morning. He stopped, realizing what she d said. What kind of event? A charity thing. He paused. Uh& what kind of charity thing? It s an auction. Very snazzy and dressy. He laughed. No, thanks. What do you mean, no, thanks ? I ve told you before I write checks to charities. I don t attend fund-raisers. Well, you re attending this one. It s good for your image. And again, no. Why are you being so difficult about this? She stood with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot. I told you. I don t do those events. Perhaps you never used to do those events. Now you do. He started to object, but she held up her hand. There s no point in continuing to argue. This is part of your image makeover. Charity fund-raisers are a great way to get the media on your side. They make you look good, and frankly they are good for you. I give plenty to charities. You can ask my accountant. She shook her head. Not at all the same thing. Charity fund-raisers are boring. Suck it up. We re going. And things had been going so well. I don t like taking orders. Too bad. In this case, I m the boss. He moved in. You didn t seem to mind me being in charge when we had sex. Her eyes widened as she scanned the parking lot, obviously looking for nosy neighbors. She took a step back. That s different, she said. And if you re going to have a problem working with me because we re& Having sex? Yes. If that s going to be an issue, then it ll stop. It would be that easy for you? No. Yes. I don t know. My work is important. More important than you and me. She sighed. You re confusing me, Cole. You know what I mean. I was hired to redo your image. You need to make that your priority. Not us having sex. I d rather have sex with you. She looked away. I knew this wasn t a good idea. He was teasing her, trying to get her to relax. It obviously wasn t working. Her shoulders had practically swallowed her neck. He wasn t ready to give up yet. Sex is always a good idea, Peaches. Not if it interferes with our working together. You have to admit the sex is great. Yes. It is great. But obviously we re going to have to stop. He picked up a lock of her hair and rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. So what you re saying is, you used me. She laid her hand on his arm. Cole. No. It wasn t like that. Please. I don t want you to think He laughed and took a step back. Relax. My feelings aren t hurt. If all you were interested in was a couple romps, that s fine with me. You got your itch scratched. We ll move on. She looked hurt. He felt the gut punch, but he wasn t going to do anything about it. This was her game to play any way she wanted to. And after everything, she still wasn t sure about him yet. He got that. He could be patient while she did the wary dance. But he didn t think they were done yet. What time is this thing tonight? Eight o clock. Do you have a tux? Oh, sure. I keep one in my closet for all those times I go to the opera. Okay. No tux. I can take care of that. She pulled out her phone, punched in a number. She held up her hand when he would have said something. Claud, this is Savannah Brooks. I m wonderful, thank you for asking. Listen, I need a favor. I need to come over with someone who needs a tux for an event this evening. Do you think you could help me out with this? He s with the Traders. She swept her gaze over his body. He liked the way she looked at him. About six feet tall, two-fifteen or so. She listened, keeping her gaze on Cole. I owe you one, Claud. Thanks so much. We ll be right over. She pressed the button and tucked the phone back in her bag. You have some tuxedo fairy on speed dial for emergencies? She grinned. Something like that. Claud will fix you up. Let s go. He wanted to balk. He didn t want to do this, but he needed her to understand that just because they were having sex didn t mean he was going to use that to have his own way. Cooperation was part of the deal, so he followed her to the tux shop, where he met Claud, a very tall, skinny dude who looked more like a mortician than a tailor. He was pale and creepy, with long icy-cold fingers. His monotone sent chills down Cole s spine. And this guy was in the service industry? Savannah chattered away with him, seemingly unbothered by Lurch. He gave Cole the heebie- jeebies. Claud, who made Cole stand in front of the mirror and try on different jackets, apparently had a wife and two children, based on the conversation he was having with Savannah. Cole bit back a shudder at the thought of some poor woman having to see Claud s rail-thin, stark-white body naked. They got through the fitting and left after Claud promised to have the tux delivered to Cole s place by five. I can t believe you use that guy, Cole said after they walked outside. Why? He s like something out of a horror movie.
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