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tional organization or attend the same inter- pression that China is anxious to participate ordinary participants. If UN representatives national conference. Facing this situation, in the activities of those international orga- deliver speeches or remarks to insult or the Chinese side will resolutely demand to nizations. Therefore, China will not be part slander China, Chinese delegates will have have the Jiang Clique elements driven out. If of these organizations or conferences. to refute them right on the spot and then [our request is] rejected, China will not co- (3) Controlled by the United States, the leave. If some Jiang Clique elements are operate with such an organization or confer- United Nations and its Special Organiza- included in the UN delegation, Chinese del- ence and, thus, will have to withdraw with tions have generally retained Jiang s repre- egates must point out that this ignored China s no hesitation. In the past year China has sentatives and kept rejecting the restoration interests and then, protest and refuse to par- already done this many times, including of China s legitimate positions [in these ticipate. withdrawing from the Nineteenth World international organizations]. The following d. No Chinese delegate is authorized to Convention of the Red Cross. [China] has are our counter-measures. express any opinion on whether China will recently decided not to recognize the Inter- 1. China will not dispatch any represen- establish, in some fashion, a consultative national Olympic Committee. From now tatives (either of the Chinese Government or relationship with the United Nations or its on, China will resolutely refuse to partici- of other organizations) to participate in any special organizations. If any international pate in any international organizations or conferences organized by the United Na- conference is to vote on this issue, Chinese conferences which invite or tolerate the par- tions and its Special Organizations. No delegates cannot but abstain from the vot- ticipation of the Jiang Clique s representa- individual of Chinese citizenship, either as a ing. tives. representative or a staff member of other (4) China asserts that [its] participation 2. With regard to the situation in which international organizations, is permitted to in international conferences and organiza- China s delegation or individual and Jiang contact or conduct negotiations with the tions is only one way to establish contacts Clique s individuals participate in the same United Nations and its special organiza- and relations in the international commu- international organization or international tions. nity, which may bring about some results in conference. Such a situation, although in 2. China will not provide the United terms of enhancing China s visibility and formality constituting no two-China, will Nations or its special organizations with any obtaining some information on how certain in effect impress upon the [international] materials or statistics, nor will China en- specific [international] projects progress. community that two Chinas co-exist, and dorse that [our] brother countries publish However, no or minimum participation in is very likely to be used by [our] adversaries any materials concerning China in the jour- the international conferences or organiza- COLD WAR INTERNATIONAL HISTORY PROJECT BULLETIN 162 10. Bobkoveshi was Yugoslavia s first ambassador to to visit the Soviet Union from 7 to 11 and 17-19 January tions will not keep China from developing the PRC, with whom Mao Zedong met for the first time 1957 (the delegation visited Poland and Hungary from vigorously, nor will it prevent the Chinese on 30 June 1955. January 11 to 17). During the visit, Zhou had five people from getting acquainted or making 11. Chinggis Khan, also spelled Genghis Jenghiz, was formal meetings with Soviet leaders, including Nikolai friends with other nations; no or minimum born about 1167, when the Mongolian-speaking tribes Bulganin, Nikita Khrushchev, and Anastas Mikoyan. still lacked a common name. He became their great After returning to Beijing, Zhou Enlai prepared this participation in some international confer- organizer and unifier. Before his death in 1227, Chinggis report for Mao Zedong and CCP central leadership, ences or organizations does not mean that established the basis for a far-flung Eurasian empire by summarizing the discrepancies between the Chinese China adopts a negative or protective atti- conquering its inner zone across Central Asia. The and Soviet parties. tude toward [international] cultural exchange Mongols are remembered for their wanton aggressive- 25. Liu Xiao was Chinese ambassador to the Soviet ness both in Europe and in Asia, and this trait was Union from February 1955 to October 1962. activities. [In regard to these activities], certainly present in Chinggis. 26. On 11-16 January 1957, Zhou Enlai visited Poland. China may take part in other fashions. On 12. The Han nationality is the majority nationality in This trip was arranged after Zhou had decided to visit the other hand, China s non-participation China, which counts for over 95 percent of the Chinese the Soviet Union. Mao Zedong personally approved may put so much pressure on these confer- population. Zhou s Poland trip. Mao Zedong sent a telegram to 13. The War to Resist America and Assist Korea Zhou on 4 December 1956 (Zhou was then making a ences or organizations that they will have describes China s participation in the Korean War from formal state visit in India): The Polish ambassador difficulties in organizing activities thus mak- October 1950 to July 1953. visited us, mentioning that their congress election is ing them discontented with the United States. 14. The five principles were first introduced by Zhou scheduled for 20 January, which will come very soon. As a result, more and more criticism and Enlai while meeting a delegation from India on 31 There exists the danger that the United Workers Party December 1953. These principles (1) mutual respect might lose the majority support. He hoped that China condemnation of the two-China policy for territorial integrity and sovereignty, (2) mutual non- would offer help by inviting a Chinese leader to visit may be aroused. In short, China remains aggression, (3) mutual non-interference in international Poland before the election. They hoped to invite Com- willing to cooperate with those international affairs, (4) equality and mutual benefit, and (5) peaceful rade Mao Zedong. When we told the ambassador why conferences and organizations which are in
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