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sleep that whiles away the hours of the night." "I know, yet I still would ask." Someday she would surprise the life out of him. "And I say you do not know." His voice was harsh with frustration. "Your virgin dreams would not last a moment in my bed." One touch from her would have given her what she professed to want, but she had not known enough to put her hand between his legs. "Virgin dreams are not meant to last." Truth rang in her words, and too much hope. And wasn't that what he wanted? For her to hope and not give up and finally to push him over the edge of reason with her sweet implorations? He had played the innocent for Jalal, and he knew what a powerful seduction innocence was, especially to a consummate seducer. The realization gave him immediate pause. A chill ran through his blood. Was he to become like his teacher then? Would that be Jalal's final triumph? "I cannot," he repeated with conviction, though he still held her arm. "And I cannot sleep," she told him honestly. "Not like this. You have& I Page 135 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html want& " She stumbled over the words, trying to explain what did not need explaining. He watched her growing shame and frustration change into anger, and knew himself to be a low bastard. He should not have done such to her. She might be virgin, but she was still human, and she was young. Her emotions were all tangled up with her arousal. "Do you not know how to please yourself?" he asked, striving for gentleness in the question. "Please myself?" "Masturbari, Ceri." He spoke the Latin softly. "It will help." She blushed, proving herself not completely innocent, which only made his body harder. What a pretty picture she would make: her hands, his mouth. His chest tightened with the thought of it. "I do not want that," she said, jerking her arm free, her voice controlled but trembling. "I wanted you, and you are killing me." "Then we will die together." He gave her what he could, knowing it was not enough for either of them. "Bastard," she accused him. "Heartless, heartless bastard." She gathered her skirts and fled, her slippered feet making nary a sound on the tower stairs. He watched her disappear and heard the door to his solar slam shut with the weight of her anger. A mere fortnight past, he would have agreed with her, but the words were no longer true. He had a heart. He could tell by the damned stupid breaking of it. Chapter 17 Dawn had not yet broken the darkness of the night when Ceridwen heard Dain come down from the upper chamber. She had slept fitfully at best, and had known she slept only from the innumerable times she'd awakened. Each time she'd found Numa, her one true friend, loyally by her side. She hated Wydehaw's mage. He was cruel beyond measure, rivaling the Boar, mayhaps surpassing him. Caradoc only wanted her blood to make his wicked sacrifice and call up his fiendish dragons. With luck, the Boar could be eluded; and if she proved to have no luck, the beast could be faced and fought. But love, she didn't know how to fight love. Dain had kissed her and taken her heart and filled it with more hurt than she could bear. Her pillow was damp with the tears she'd shed. 'Twas the pain of love squeezing the breath from her lungs in heavy sobs. She didn't want to love him, yet she could find no escape. She'd searched her mind the night long, trying to find respite from the crushing emptiness he'd inflicted on her soul, and she'd found none. She loved the bastard Lavrans and had been forsaken. Glass crashed somewhere in the room on the other side of the bed curtains. Dain swore, knocked into something, and swore again. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, holding herself still, listening. Another crash followed the first, then came the scent of incense. "Numa!" he hollered. "Elixir!Komi" Belly to bedsheets, the albino slunk onto the floor and beneath the curtains without giving Ceridwen so much as a backward glance. A torrent of Danish followed the hound's appearance in the chamber, a diatribe punctuated by heavy, erratically paced footfalls. Dain was crossing the room, his voice too loud for the space enclosed within the curved walls. The dogs began to whimper and whine, sounding so forlorn, their misery sent a shiver up her spine. Fighting a cowardly impulse to hide, Ceridwen tossed the fur coverlets aside. No good could come from this madness. She would not allow him to hurt Numa in Page 136 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html her stead. A loud banging thud brought her to a quick stop, the sheets gripped in her fist, the sable in a pile by her hip. She cocked her head and held her breath. Could only have been his fist slamming into the Druid Door, she thought. Nothing else in the tower with the solidness of oak had the resonance of iron behind it. "Nej!" he roared, hitting the door again and making her flinch. "Kvinde, nej!" The command reverberated throughout the solar in a strange manner she could not comprehend, as if he spoke from two places at once, and within its dying
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