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than the other way around, Sport. I just want to check it out.
What is the worst thing that can happen? They might throw
us out. If so, big deal. We don't know anyone down here
anyways. Trust me. C'mon." He opened his door and
stepped out of the car. Tentatively, I followed. Oh Christ, we
are gonna get in so much trouble.
The man at the door just stared at us. He was probably
around 25, very effeminate and wearing tons of jewelry.
"Boys, you do realize that you have to be 21 to get in,
right?" He looked right at me. "I don't think you were even
out of diapers when I first got this job, kid. No way are you
gettin in."
Brett spoke up. "C'mon man, can't you stamp our hand or
something? We aren't here to drink." The door attendant
looked at Brett, shaking his head.
"Honey, you sure are pretty and I'd love to accommodate
you, but rules are rules. It ain't worth losin my job over.
Sorry. Go see a movie or something." Just as he said that
the front door which he was guarding, opened from the
inside and a blast of loud music flooded the entryway. I
leaned over and looked into the bar as one of the patrons
exited. He was a middle aged man, and he stopped briefly
to check out Brett, smiled, and then walked past us to the
front door. The doorman continued to stare at us, now his
tone changing considerably, "Take a hike boys, or I will
have to have you removed."
Just as he said that, the inside door opened again and
out stepped Mr. Litz. Fuck! He stood there frozen and
asked us the same exact question he had two hours earlier
at the hotel, only this time with a look of stunned fear on his
face, "What are you guys doing here?" Apparently he must
have forgotten something from his car, for he was not
wearing his jacket. It looked like he was just stepping out to
get something.
Brett answered, "No, Mr. Litzenfowler, what are you
doing here?"
Mr. Litz looked over to the doorman, "Matt, are you
gonna let these boys in?"
He laughed. "Fuck no, get serious."
Litz stared at him intently. "Tell you what, will you let them
in if I promise to keep an eye on them? They are with me.
They will sit at my table and only drink pop, I swear." He
reached in his pants pocket and pulled out a twenty,
handing it to Matt.
Matt hesitated, but only briefly and nodded towards the
door. We followed Mr. Litz into the bar. He led us to a table
near the back of the room to join his friend, Tom Britton.
Tom seemed unfazed by our entrance, smiling again at us.
"Hi again guys." He laughed.
"Sit down," Litz told us. "So why are you here? Did you
follow us?"
"Follow you?" Brett said, "This is a public place. We
wanted to check it out; we didn't follow anyone." I looked at
Brett, amazed by how convincingly he could lie.
Litz just stared back at him, while Tom interrupted to ask
if we wanted a pop. He left the table and went up to the bar
to get the beverages and Mr. Litz continued. "Well, I have
got to admit, I'm not very comfortable with you being here. I
am not very open about who I am up in Boyne, if you know
what I mean. I don't want anyone at school to know that I
come here."
"So why do you come here?" Brett asked. I just sat there
through this conversation, taking it in yet saying nothing.
"Are you gay?"
Mr. Litzenfowler nodded. "Yes, but I'm not out, so please
don't tell anyone about this." I was not at all familiar with the
term "out" but I assumed he meant that he did not tell
anyone about his being homosexual. "So why are you guys
really here? Is it just curiosity?"
Brett leaned in, resting his elbows on the table. "We
wanted to see what it was like, that's all. Never been to a
place like this before, where guys hit on guys and shit." It
seemed weird to hear Brett using this language while
talking to one of our teachers.
Litz nodded, raising his eyebrows. "So are you two just
friends or what?" I looked into Brett's face, anxious to hear
his answer.
"We are very close friends," he said. "That is all you or
anyone else needs to know."
Mr. Litzenfowler chuckled. "Hey, don't get defensive. I'm
the one who just admitted to you that I'm gay, and both of
you are students of mine. It is not like you have anything to
lose by confiding in me. I am the one in the hot seat."
I looked around the room. It was not at all crowded but
there were a couple dozen people there. They all looked so
normal to me, nobody dressed in women's clothes or
sported wild hairdos or anything. In fact, most of the men
did not even seem to be effeminate. It looked just like a
normal bar to me. Tom returned with our soda pop and sat
back down.
"Mr. Litzenfowler," I finally spoke up, "don't worry, we
won't tell anyone about you, I swear. Nobody knows about [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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