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her smeared mascara as best she could and deciding to make the best of an almost ruined evening. Before too long they were both roaring with laughter and telling each other dirty stories. Ike did not worry about being missed inside, as Ike knew that everyone was pretty much beyond caring. And if anyone did care they could just come on out and find out how much more pleasant it was out on the porch! For the first time, Carrie was appreciating the young man her daughter had married. He really wasn't so bad at all! she thought through a haze of alcohol. And he did have all that dark curly hair. That was really quite appealing. And he knew how to tell a good joke! What was more, he seemed to be most appreciative of her own wit and charm, and Carrie felt more than grateful to him for that. She felt her self-esteem rising again after the fit of depression her son had caused. "And then he touched her there and there! and said, 'But you promised not to laugh!'" Ike finished up the punch line of his joke and feeling a sudden inspiration, he illustrated it by touching his mother-in-law lightly twice ... once on each breast. The two rouged nipples were still visible, and even in the dark of the porch, Ike could see them. The scent of the older woman's perfume penetrated him, and as he realized just what he had done, a thrill of lust spread through him. He saw that Carrie was not laughing, but was giving him a rather curious look. He held his breath a moment taking in the pale beauty of her features. God she was beautiful! Much more beautiful than her daughter Tricia would ever be! He felt a strong field of attraction growing up between them, and the longer each of them went without speaking, the stronger it grew. Suddenly, there was nothing else for him to do but lean forward and kiss her. He found her lips warm and slightly parted, and as he pressured them with his own, he felt them trembling. She was accepting his kiss! The sweetness of forbidden fruit crept into each of their minds and Ike let his tongue wander far into the back of the older woman's mouth. Carrie felt the shock of Ike's kiss as strongly as if he had struck her across the face. Her whole being accepted it ... wanted it, cried out for it! In it was the recognition she had been seeking ... it said, "You are beautiful ... young ... desirable!" The heat of alcohol she'd consumed mingled in her veins with the surging power of long pent-up desire. Her subconscious wish for a lover had been answered! And yet, of course, it wasn't entirely that simple ... was anything ever simple ...? Her eyes flickered open and she looked intensely at the man who was now gathering her into his arms ... her daughter's husband! "OH no ... OH NO, IKE ..." she said pushing him away from her. The swing creaked and groaned. "No ... please ... I can't ... we can't ... certainly not!" But Ike pretended she had said nothing ... "What a magnificent creature!" he said leaning forward again. His throat felt dry and harsh. He could see the resemblance to Tricia in this older woman's face, and an odd mixture of excitement and curiosity took hold of him. He felt her stiffen and draw back as he took hold of her, but then after a second of hesitation, she let him pull her to him again. He kissed her hard, trying to eradicate any shades of guilt or doubt in either of their minds. Things were happening so fast that Carrie's brain was spinning too fast for her to catch up with it. She tried to pull away but her son-in-law held onto her still tighter, his hot tongue pushing deep inside her mouth reaching all the secret corners, pursing her tongue agilely. She felt hot waves of desire flashing through her, but still she tried to stop him. But Ike pushed her head back so that it was resting on the back of the porch swing, her body arching up against his, her breasts pressed up against his hard chest. "Nnnnnoooooooo ..." she protested, unconvincingly. Suddenly, Ike's hands were running up and down the smooth expanse of exposed flesh on Carrie's back and at that instant, the taste of his mouth on hers became delicious.
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