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at a nearby flower. Rumor was that water would melt Satan Jr., and he was going in prepared. He widened his stance to take the pressure off his protesting muscles, then set his jaw. A trickle of blood and sweat dripped down his temple, and he shook it off, his entire body beginning to shake with the effort of staying vertical. His skin burned where Junior had flayed it, his throat still hurt from screaming, and his skull felt like it had been split in half. Rafi set his shoulders and clenched his jaw. You won t win! he shouted. You won t destroy me! No response except the harsh call of a raven. His quads finally gave out and he dropped to his knees with a grunt, still holding his upper body erect. Come on. Come get me He stopped suddenly as a tremor shook his body. He groaned and bent over, fighting to hold himself erect as his muscles seized for the third time since he d been back. What the hell was going on? What had Junior done to him? Given him brain damage? The convulsion finally ended and he groaned, his muscles shaking with relief and exhaustion. And then he felt it. A sudden flicker of light at the edge of his consciousness. He opened his mind to the faint pulse, to the call. The spirit of the shadow warrior had found him. That s what the convulsions were. His body trying to respond to the call. Hell. He closed his eyes as he reached with his own spirit, trying to touch the one that was searching for him, knowing what he had to do.You have to let me go. I can t answer the call. You must find another. He felt his soul break as he uttered those words, denying himself the heritage his spirit had been craving for his entire existence. The one that was his, that would make him complete. The one that was trying to kill him. You must leave me in peace. There was a blinding flash of light in his head, and exhilaration rushed through him. He stumbled to his feet, dropping his weapons as his spirit leapt in response. Yes, it s me. I can t come to you. You must come to me. Follow the link.Desperation consumed him and he reached his arms toward the invisible pull, raised his face to the sky. I need you. I can t survive without you. We must be one. I m here! he shouted, his voice raw. Come to me! The light wavered and he reached for it with his entire being, trying to draw it toward him over the fragile link that connected them. It flickered, and then it screamed his name. Rafi s body lurched in response and convulsions seized him again, as his body fought for release that it couldn t have. He couldn t swallow the bellow of pain that consumed his being. He crashed to the deck, oblivious to the splintered wood and nails of his own weapons driving into his flesh, knowing nothing but that he d failed. In the church, Jed doubled over with a sharp groan, clutching his stomach. Jed? What s wrong? Paige ran to him and grabbed his arm, which was suddenly ice cold. What the hell is goingon ? Rafi, he gasped, as he went to his knees, still clutching his stomach. What? She caught him as he fell over, grunting as his full weight landed on her. God, you weigh a ton. She sank down to the marble floor, cradling his head in her lap. Um, Jed? You re starting to scare me. Is he all right? Paige looked up to see a youngish woman in a suit peering down at them, her eyes wide behind red tortoiseshell glasses. Her hair was short and brown, a haircut that should be boyish and plain, but it actually defined her high cheekbones and made her look completely gorgeous. Paige scowled as the woman inspected Jed. Definitely the daytime help at the church. Low blood sugar. Do you have any chocolate around? Paige said to her. The woman s brows went up as she inspected the well-muscled, massive male body stretched out on the floor groaning. Hehas low blood sugar? Paige wrapped her arms possessively around him. He s mine, and he needs chocolate. Can you get some before he dies on your floor, already? If he dies because you were too busy gawking at his nice butt to get him chocolate, I ll sue your ass. Her calf twitched and she felt a sudden yearning to kill the woman. She grimaced and closed her eyes, trying to will the wraith back in its cage.I won t kill for you. Fortunately for her, the church lady was already rushing across the chapel, her sensible heels clicking on the floor. Okay, Jed, she s gone. Time to get up. Paige patted Jed s cheeks, feeling slightly panicky when she realized how cold they were, trying to ignore the deadly urges prowling around in her body as the wraith
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