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memory. Only a dollar. I ll skip it. She picked up her bag and turned around and ran straight into Shane and Lucas. Where do you think you re going, sweetheart? Lucas reached out and pulled the bag from her hand. Her eyes ran over their faces. Oh yeah, I love them. Victoria wanted to memorize their features so she never forgot. I m going home. Shane crossed his arms over his chest, immovable in his stance. And where is that? With you. Australia. Is it? Shane sounded unconvinced. Victoria wasn t one hundred percent sure herself. Y-yes. You rejected out money. And I will send the other amount back when I get home. I just didn t have your account number and Shut up, Victoria. What? Each man grabbed her hand and held on tight. Let s get out of here. Lucas tugged on her arm. Yes. I mean no. I mean, oh I don t know. Victoria had wanted to be alone when she flew home. Having both men there made it hard to leave. I ll, er miss my p-plane. The hold they had on her hands was like that on her heart. Unbreakable. Shane shrugged. So miss it. We all know there are more important things to discuss. Like what? Yep, act dumb and hope for the best. It alleviated making a fool out of yourself was Victoria s theory. The three of us being together and a crazy little concept we like called love. Lucas eyes were warm with understanding. Oh crap, I m going to cry. I didn t want to do that. I really have to go. What are you scared of? Lucas wiped a tear from her cheek. N-nothing. Everything. Losing you both. But how can I stay? How would this work? Liar. Shane wasn t buying it. I m not. Victoria tried to pull back from them, to break contact, but both men held fast. Sweetheart Victoria The soft, pleading sound in their voices would be her undoing. Oh, leave me alone. Why? Because& I don t know& just because. Her nose started to run as the tears continued to fall. Shane reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to her. You re scared. They let go of her hands and Victoria blew her nose and mopped up her face. I am not. Feelings are tough to deal with. Lucas leaned in and pushed the loose hair from her face. This was business. Victoria could chant it as much as she liked but she didn t believe it. The minute they touched her it became very personal and intimate. Bullshit it was. Shane shook his head and smiled in exasperation. You belong with us and you know it. Lucas and I both knew it at the lake. That fast? Me too. Can t you both see how impossible this is? There s no future for us. I live in another country and And things are only difficult if you let them be that way. Shane pulled her into his arms. Lucas cradled her back and kissed her neck. We need you, sweetheart. For sex? Please say it was more. Maybe we can work this out. Yes, but not just that. To finish Betty Bombshell? That was understandable. It was their business. Shane snorted. We could care less about that. But you could lose money. Speaking as one who was financially challenged, Victoria didn t want the boys business to suffer. And we could lose you, Lucas replied. Let s go home and talk about this. Shane and Lucas took Victoria s hands and lead her out of the motel. The men stopped dead when they saw the ransom pink flamingoes. Fuck they re ugly. Chapter Six Oh. My. God. The fist buried up inside her cunt was piston-like in its intensity. The thrust was designed to thrill. Victoria shrieked out loud in pleasure. Bloody h-h-hell& she panted, as she allowed Lucas to plow his fist in and out. This is fantastic but dick, actually two dicks, are way better. Shane took his mouth off her nipple. It was swollen, red, and well sucked. You want dick? Always. Forever. Yes please. Beg us. Lucas slipped his hand out from inside her body. No way. You two are fucking lucky to be with me. As I am with you. Lucas grinned. Too bad then. Were they serious? These two men had raging hard-ons and could blow at any moment and they wanted to stop and wait for her to beg? But Beg. Shane agreed with Lucas. No. Victoria drew her legs together. I think I ll go to sleep. I m pretty tired. She closed her eyes and waited for their next move. And there would be one. They were horny men. It had been a crazy afternoon. After they left the motel, they headed straight for Shane and Lucas home. Neither man listened to Victoria s objections. But can t you see this won t work? Distance is too hard on relationships. You admit we have a relationship? Shane s eyes locked on hers. Yes. Good. Lucas looked pleased. But it s not going to work. How could it? I love my country and you love yours. How could love last that distance? And visas to and from Australia and the US? Two countries with strict border protection and entry requirements. The paperwork alone would kill them. True but we love you more and we ll find a way we can all have what we want. Shane linked his hand with Victoria s. She looked from one man to the other. Victoria desperately wanted to believe them. I don t know. Lucas wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Yeah, you do. You re just scared. I am not. Okay, maybe a bit. She didn t want what they had together ruined. Oh come on, Victoria, love is a shock to the system. It takes awhile to allow it to sink in. Oh it s in, Shane. And? I have fallen for you both but Shane put his fingers to her lips. That s all we need to know. Take your clothes off. Their hands were on her body, tugging at her shirt and jeans. We need you in our lives, Victoria.
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