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only thing separating fantasy from re-ality is a matter of perception," she snapped. "Since I am in charge, it is my perception of reality that matters." "Get to the goddamn point," Mimses said im-patiently. Nefron glanced his way with bright, venomous eyes. He hastily glanced away. Returning her gaze to Mildred, she asked, "Did you tell your friends about the power of the ankhs? Did you make more of them? You were found in Pharaoh's quarters. Did you give one to Krysty? Answer me." Mildred didn't answer or even act as if she had heard the questions. She focused her vision on the wall only a few inches away from her face. The room suddenly reverberated with a snapping crack. It took all of Mildred's self-control not to scream as streaks of agony blazed across her back. Twisting her head back and around, she saw Mimses holding a whip in his right hand. The lash consisted of three pliant, knotted leather cords. "Answer her," he said. The cold, lustful light gleaming in his eyes showed that he really didn't want her to cooperate. "What difference does it make?" Mildred de-manded between clenched teeth. "The difference between life and death," Nefron declared. "Yours or mine?" "Both. Our fates are intertwined at this moment." She glared hard and unblinkingly at Mildred. As she did so, she said, "I cannot get a read on her. She is resisting me, and I cannot waste any more time here. I have got to attend to Krysty. Mimses, make this bitch talk or make her die." file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Ja...athlands%2040%20-%20Nightmare%2 0Passage.html (252 of 287) [12/29/2004 1:03:55 AM] Axler,_James_-_Deathlands_40_-_Nightmare_Passage Chapter Twenty-Six Jak was hot, thirsty, tired and cramped, a far cry from how he had felt in the hour before dawn when he had followed Nefron out of the small house on the outskirts of Aten. She had led him along a mazelike path, circling around the city walls to the very base of the pyra-mid. Its massive proportions hadn't impressed him overmuch. He had eyes only for Nefron. The mem-ory of her body was still fresh Page 138 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html in his hands, the taste of her on his lips, and the erotic scent of her skin, her sex still sweetened the air he breathed. She told him where to climb, how to get there, what to do and when to do it. She held him by the sides of the head and kissed him deeply and pas-sionately. Senses reeling, Jak began the long climb up the side of the monument, not feeling the weight of his holstered blaster or the water skin slung over a shoulder. He found the mouth of the ventilation shaft lead-ing to the relieving chamber with no trouble, just where Nefron had indicated it would be. But, even as thin as he was, he had difficulty squeezing into it. He put his back against one wall and braced his feet against the other and crept down at a snail's pace into darkness. The rough-hewn surface of the stone scraped his back, snagged at folds in his shirt, and when the friction between flesh and rock increased, he began to sweat profusely. The painfully slow sliding of his boot treads and the inch-by-inch movements of his back had to be synchronized perfectly, or he would lose his precarious balance and pitch straight down into the King's Chamber. The pressure he maintained with his upper body and legs strained even his steel- cable sinews and muscles, and his knees shook uncontrollably, knock-ing together file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Ja...athlands%2040%20-%20Nightmare%2 0Passage.html (253 of 287) [12/29/2004 1:03:55 AM] Axler,_James_-_Deathlands_40_-_Nightmare_Passage from time to time. Looking down between his legs, he saw a very dim yellow pinpoint of light, like a single star shin-ing in the black gulf of space. He was seeing into the King's Chamber Nefron had told him it was illuminated by several braziers. Then, with a frightening suddenness, the narrow shaft he had been creeping down suddenly opened up. He nearly fell, but his rear end struck a shelf of stone projecting from the shaft wall. Though he couldn't see it, he knew a long finger of rock jutted out from the opposite side. As he eased his weight down on the shelf, he was very careful to place his feet properly, so as not to kick and dislodge the key-stone lever. For some time he sat on the stone slab, gasping for air, his back wet with sweat and a little blood from abrasions picked up during his ascent. Every muscle in his body seemed to be alive with pain, and he vigorously rubbed his calves so they wouldn't cramp. He took a long drink from his water skin, and when he tilted his head back, he saw a dim circle of light far, far above. The sun was making its ascent into the sky. By the time it began its descent, the shaft would be flooded with sunlight and would throw the keystone lever into sharp relief. Jak touched his blaster in its holster. The heavy butt would make a serviceable substitute for a ham-mer. MILDRED WAITED for the next lash of the whip, tensed herself to hear it sing and crack through the air before it flayed the flesh from her body. She heard nothing but the heavy breathing of Mimses and the rustle of cloth. Then she felt Mimses pressing his naked body against hers, his flabby belly on
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