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now rabbit food. What I wouldn't give for some Popeye's Chicken right now." Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Hauk swallowed a laugh, watching as she ate. After she'd tried a few bites of different fruits and fish and found nothing really to her liking, he pulled the passion fruit out from beneath the table. Here, try this." Cole took it suspiciously, and it was all Hauk could do to hide his glee. She looked it over. What is it?" "It's good." She looked at Hauk and then Sylo, frowning at their sudden interest in what she ate. That didn't answer my question, she said, holding the fruit up with a skeptical eye. Hauk's mouth was slowly gaping open, almost as if it could help her put the fruit into her mouth and chew. She looked up at him and smiled impishly. You only live once, right? she asked before flicking a tongue over the bulb of the fruit. "Tastes good, she whispered. Hauk's groin twitched to life at the unexpected eroticism of her movement. She grinned, rubbing the bulb over her lips slowly, sensually, watching his reaction. He swiped the back of one hand across his damp forehead, feeling his skin heat all over as she ran her tongue around the bulb. His balls tightened, and blood rushed to his groin, pounding with the beat of his heart. Finally, as if knowing her audience was enraptured, when he was just to the point of jumping her bones in front of everyone, she sucked the bulb into her mouth. He almost came right then. "Mmmmm, she moaned softly, arching her head back, taking it deeper. All conversation at the gathering stopped as everyone stared at Cole. She didn't seem to notice, only continued thrusting that fruit deeper into her mouth. Sylo was gaping at her, a blur he couldn't focus on past her head only her, only the slow, torturous movement of that fruit in and out of her mouth, the suckling action of her mouth and throat. He'd never seen a woman do anything like it, and he wondered what it would feel like to have her mouth wrapped around his cock mimicking the movement. His mouth went dry watching her. The pressure built to a feverish pitch in his shaft. She moaned again, straightening her head to watch him as she moved her mouth on the fruit. She bit the bulb off. Around them, he heard frightened gasps, echoing his own. Hauk's cock screamed and ran for cover. He looked at her, aghast at what she'd done, forgetting all about wanting to know what effect the fruit would have on humans. He couldn't get his mind off the head of the fruit rolling around between her teeth. Cole laughed around her food, chewing it up and swallowing. Oh god. You should have seen your face! she said breathlessly, chuckling, holding her stomach. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html He just stared at her, working his throat muscles. No sound came out. She laughed harder, rolling onto her back, gasping for breath, tears streaming out of her eyes. He glared at her. "That wasn't funny." "It was! Oh god, she said, laughing. All of a sudden, she went quiet and perfectly still. Her arms dropped limply to her sides. Alarm kicked Hauk's belly. He leaned over her, frantically feeling for a pulse. Her heart beat strong and steady, as even as her breathing. Hauk turned and stared sternly at Ug he'd talked to. I thought the passion fruit was supposed to make her wild?" The nagy shrugged. She looked wild to me." Sylo burst out into laughter. Fuzzy grinned at him. Chapter Six Hauk frowned at Fuzzy and Sylo and picked up Cole's limp body, grunting with the weight of her as he got to his feet. Settling her comfortably over his shoulder, he carried her to the hut he'd been shown was his for the night and with painstaking progress, climbed the ladder, cursing the whole way. By the time he reached the top, he was panting and a fine sweat had popped out along his brow and upper lip. He ducked through the curtain of vines that covered the doorway. They fell back into place behind him with a soft whisper of sound, and he bent to lay her onto the reed mat that served as the bed. He went to the back of the hut and rolled up the mat to let a breeze in. The candle flame shied as air kissed it, casting flickering shadows across Cole's motionless body. Hauk looked at her worriedly and dropped to the floor on his knees, gently patting her cheek to see if he could rouse her. She came to life with a suddenness that shocked him, latching onto the side of his index finger with her succulent lips. He went completely still, looking down at her in stunned surprise as she moved her mouth and sucked his finger inside, enveloping the digit in wet heat. She peered up at him
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