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"And I doubt brute strength is her way to snare victims," Magiere finished. Leesil lifted his gaze to Magiere and nodded toward Au'shiyn's body. "Are you up to trying again?" For a moment, Magiere was uncertain what he meant. Then she felt sick as she realized he wanted her to have another vision. "I'm right here," Leesil whispered. "I won't leave your side." Nausea still threatening, Magiere reached out and touched Au'shiyn's cold, stiff hand. She closed her eyes and waited, anticipating the shock of the world suddenly shifting around her as it had before. Nothing came. Magiere exhaled, suddenly aware she'd been holding her breath. Reaching across to the woman, she tried again. The result was the same. "Maybe it's the place they died," Leesil suggested. As Magiere turned to leave, Leesil pulled out a stiletto from his sleeve. In the same movement, he sliced a blood-soaked strip from Au'shiyn's shirt and turned toward the kitchen door. As they stepped out the front door, Chap sniffed yet another set of dark stains on stone steps. Lanjov and Chetnik had followed, but Leesil motioned them both to stay inside as he pressed the bloodied cloth into Magiere's hand. When she flinched, he held her hand closed around it. "It might take both the place and object," he said. She nodded and stepped down onto the front walk. Magiere closed her eyes and feltherself walking to the side of the house. She opened her eyes again. Dawn's light had vanished, to be replaced by the cold dark of night. A coach pulled up, and she watched as Lord Au'shiyn stepped out. Along with the sights and the smell of damp night air, there was something more inside of Magiere. She could feel anger. Perhaps frustration of some need or desire unfulfilled. Page 158 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html She stepped from the shadows and followed Au'shiyn as he approached the front door, and felt her hands flex inside leather gloves. In the bottom of her view, the cloak she wore swirled around her, and she felt sharp canines inside her mouth. It wasn't the same as the familiar aching change ofher own teeth. "A word, if you please," she said as she stepped close. Magiere heard the sound this time, but before she could focus on the deep voice that issued from her mouth, Au'shiyn turned in annoyance and recognition crossed his features. "Oh, good evening. What brings you here so late?" Magiere's right hand shot out and grabbed his neck so hard she felt her thumb crush Au'shiyn's windpipe. She tore the left side of his throat open with her teeth, and warm blood ran into her mouth. As with Chesna, she didn't drink. Au'shiyn choked, unable to breathe. Magiere shook him and blood flowed from his neck to soak into his clothing. She reached out to shred his shirt and "Stop it!" Strong hands gripped her arms, and she spun around as Au'shiyn's image whirled away. She felt herself jerked backward against something hard, as wiry arms wrapped around her. She thrashed to get free. "Enough!" The grip around her remained as light poured into the darkness. Magiere found herself sitting on the porch with her back up against Leesil's chest. Remembering Au'shiyn's fight for air, she choked. "Leesil?" "Shhhhhhh," he said. "It's over." Chetnik now stood in the walk, watching her suspiciously. Magiere curled away from him toward Leesil, leaning her head against the steps' railing. "It's all right," Leesil said from behind her. "She'll be fine in a minute." Then he whispered in her ear, "Was it the same creature?" Magiere relaxed at his familiar voice. "Yes& the same one& I think." She breathed deep and, while hidden from Lanjov's or Chetnik's view, slipped her fingers into her mouth, making sure her teeth were normal. She rose out of Leesil's arms, bracing against the railing as she turned toward Lanjov. He looked embarrassed or revolted by her. "It's the same one, Lanjov," she said. "Dressed like a noble with black gloves. And it's not a masquerade." It took a moment to quell the lingering vertigo before she could continue. "He moves and speaks like one of you, and you're the only connection I can see. Why would any noble want to kill Au'shiyn and your daughter& anything, no matter how far-fetched or minor?" The councilman looked utterly at a loss. "I don't know any reason. Au'shiyn Page 159 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html was strong-willed, but respected by all." "You're sure of all this?" Chetnik asked Magiere. "Of course she's sure," Leesil snapped. "We need the name and home address of everyone on the council." He looked directly at Lanjov. "As well as anyone you've worked with through the bank who knew your daughter." The pain that flashed across Lanjov's face brought Magiere another flicker of pity, but not nearly enough to overcome her frustration with the man's arrogant obstinacy. "Captain Chetnik will take you to the council hall," Lanjov answered softly. "My aide will provide the information you require." "Not enough," Leesil added, and he turned on Chetnik. "Shut the city down. Close it off." Chetnik scowled, hands on his hips, but it was Lanjov who cut in first. "We cannot do that!" he shouted. "This is the kingdom's main port. Thousands, no, tens of thousands here and elsewhere depend on daily trade through Bela." Magiere's head swam with afterimages of her vision, making it hard to clearly follow what was being said. With a quick glance at Leesil, his words resurfaced in her mind, and she understood. "We can't let these things out of reach," she said. "Will your precious trade continue if more bodies are found? What ship's captain would harbor here? And there won't be a farmer or merchant in the region who'd risk coming to market." "So you'd lock us all in?" Lanjov retorted in panic. "This cannot be done." "Yes, it can," Chetnik cut in.
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