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glanced back at the door from which he had file:///F|/KaZaA%20Lite/My%20Shared%20Folde...20Herbert%20-%20Man%20of%20Two%2 0Worlds.txt (163 of 281) [10/27/03 6:59:24 PM] file:///F|/KaZaA%20Lite/My%20Shared%20Folder/Frank%20Herbert%20-%20Man%20of%20 Two%20Worlds.txt emerged. ". . . other matters require my attention. I think we will see each other again." When they were back in Lutt's room, Lutt grabbed Nishi's shoulders. "What was all of that?" "General Claude is here to meet with you but if I had not spoken at once about your intentions toward me, it could have become quite serious. He remembers my father and brothers. The Legion is very protective of its own." "Didn't sound like it when he was talking to that trooper. What'd he mean he'd stake the man out on the plain?" "That? They pin a man in a hot place with inceram slakes. Eventually, The armor breaks down and fire consumes him." "Good God! That's taking care of their own!" "They can be very severe in punishment. That poor man will suffer much because he cannot return here for six months." "No doubt." "But you were so brave and strong! I feared for you. And that legionnaire in full armor was like a child in your hands." Our hands! Ryll intruded. Remember that. Nishi pressed herself against Lutt, her head in The crook of his neck. "You are not only rich but strong! Oh, I am so lucky!" Lutt held her tightly and bent for a kiss but she turned her head away. "No! I might be very weak." "Good!" "No!" She struggled in his arms. "Please do not make me call for help." "Would you really?" "I think so. You do not want to test it and neither do I. Besides, we have other matters to discuss." She freed herself and stepped back. "Our marriage contract?" "That can wait. First, we must decide what to do about the press." "What the hell does the press have to do with us?" "There is one called Subiyama who was with you at the battle and now knows you are in here. In a way, it is funny. She hired The Zone Patrol squad at the U.S. Consulate to spy on our ship. She wishes to know when you emerge and where you will go." "She hired the whole squad? How do you know?" "We know everything the Zeeps do." "Zeeps?" "Zone Patrol, ZP, Zeeps. This Subiyama is a fat lady but very sexed. She is, how you say, shacked up with one of the Zeeps. Do you wish her removed or . . ." "Let it go for now. She could be useful." "Ahhh, my protector is very sly. Perhaps you will bargain better than I thought. I must be careful. But you will sleep now, sweet Lutt, and I will guard that you are not disturbed." file:///F|/KaZaA%20Lite/My%20Shared%20Folde...20Herbert%20-%20Man%20of%20Two%2 0Worlds.txt (164 of 281) [10/27/03 6:59:24 PM] Page 147 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html file:///F|/KaZaA%20Lite/My%20Shared%20Folder/Frank%20Herbert%20-%20Man%20of%20 Two%20Worlds.txt She tucked him into bed and dodged his groping hands under the pretext of hanging up his robe. "You must not touch unless I say," she said. "You're pretty good at avoiding it." "I have had much practice, Lutt." "What about the stuff from my armor's pockets?" "I will get that later. Now, you will sleep. It is the doctor's order and it is my order." Better do what she says, Ryll cautioned. You'll need all of your wits about you when it comes to the bargaining. And I can sense your fatigue. Don't you mean our fatigue? I, too, am low on energy, but our flesh is not yet fully healed and I must idmage more repairs. Well, do it while I'm asleep. It makes me sick when you turn my eyes inward. Nishi brought a chair to the foot of the bed and composed herself there with her feet tucked under her. "Sleep, sweet Lutt," she whispered. Sweet Lutt, he thought. It was a pleasant thought and it helped him drift into slumber. Ryll waited until the mental rhythms told him Lutt was deeply asleep and then, fighting the induced urge to join him in slumber, swiveled his eyes inward. It was a complex idmaging problem with timing and placement that required a nicety of application. Presently, a small slip of paper drifted from the air above Nishi onto her lap. She picked it up and looked at the message there. "Do nothing to awaken Lutt. Our lives depend on it. This message is from the one who shares his body. Eat this paper if you wish to learn more." She looked at the sleeping figure and then with a pensive expression, chewed and swallowed the note. Ryll materialized another note above her. She caught it before it reached her lap. "How do you do that?" she whispered. Having anticipated the question, Ryll already had provided the answer on the new message. "I have the power to create such things. That should prove the truth of what I tell you. And I tell you not to get him the basil. It would be very dangerous. Eat this message and I will provide another." Obediently, Nishi ate the second note and looked up at the place where the messages originated. Presently, another note materialized there and, wide-eyed, she watched it drift to her lap before picking it up and reading it. "My name is Ryll and Lutt has stolen my body. Lutt's body was severely damaged in an accident. He seeks to gain complete control of this body with the basil, which is a drug to me. But the basil will make him ineffective, too, because this is mostly my flesh. Now, eat this message, too." She ate the note and whispered: "What do you want of me?" The next note was a time materializing. Ryll found the effort drew more energy than anticipated. "Deny him the basil and I will get you to Earth with much money. Eat this note." "But I want the marriage to this man!" she whispered after swallowing the paper.
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