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Boss. Mateo spoke into the phone and Tommy grinned. Mateo couldn t stop calling Pablo that even though they no longer worked together. Yeah, we re outside at the address you texted, but I m A clang sounded, then the gate lifted, slowly, with a mechanical hum. Yeah, it s opening. Mateo listened some more, then nodded. Okay, we re coming in. He hung up and motioned for Tommy to enter the driveway the opened gate revealed. Drive on, Mateo instructed Tommy. What did he say? Tommy asked. He and Shane are inside, he said, along with a couple familiar faces. As he drove up the paved driveway, Tommy gaped at the three-story house. Nice. Mateo grunted then sniffed. Smells like& the sea. Yeah. Tommy nodded. We must be near a beach. He parked and they got out. Mateo grabbed his hand. As they climbed the porch steps, the front door opened and Pablo stepped out. Boss. Mateo let go of Tommy s hand and jogged the last few feet to Pablo. This yours? Pablo shook his head with a chuckle. Nah. He glanced over Mateo s shoulder, smile growing wider when he spotted Tommy. Tommy. Hey. Tommy walked up to him and held out his hand. Pablo pulled him into a tight hug. Good to see you in one piece. Pablo pulled back and patted Tommy s cheek. Teo taking care of you? Tommy grinned. We re taking care of each other. Good. Good. Pablo got serious quick. Okay, so I think I should prepare you. He swiped a palm over his shaved head. Angelo isn t dead. Tommy frowned and blinked at him while Mateo barked a laugh. What are you talking about, boss? Mateo asked. Of course Angel is dead. He burned No. Pablo shook his head. He faked his death and I helped. The door opened and someone stepped outside. Someone dressed in dark jeans and a red t-shirt. Someone with shoulder-length dark hair. Tommy gasped and staggered. Oh shit! That someone wore a dead man s face. Angelo Pagan was dead. Everyone knew that. What the fuck? Mateo jumped backward. What the hell is going on? The guy stood in front of them with wary eyes, a hesitant smile on his too-fucking-familiar face. I faked it. All of it. Tommy shook. He sounded like Angelo. He looked like Angelo. Pablo said he was Angelo. What how? What the fuck is this? Mateo demanded. Is this some kind of joke? No joke, the Angelo person said. Do you want to come inside? I can explain. It s okay, Pablo said. He faked his death, changed his name, but he s still Angel. He attempted a smile. He s still our Angel. Holy fuck. Tommy glanced at Mateo, at the anger and suspicion in his lover s eyes, and took his hand. He laced their fingers and kissed it. Come on. We have to listen, at least. Mateo scowled but jerked a nod and Pablo ushered them into the air-conditioned house straight out of some kind of architectural magazine. Polished floors, open spaces with white walls. Wow. Two men sat on a couch in the living room, and they turned when everyone entered. Shane, Pablo s man, he recognized, but the other guy not so much. Both men stood and nodded. I know you, Mateo spoke. You re NYPD. Oh shit. Tommy couldn t stop repeating the curse in his head. The man Mateo addressed smiled, all friendly, and uncaring, as if he had no worries. Shit. I was NYPD, the guy said. Now I m just a civilian. He looked over to Angelo, who stepped next to him. This is Gabe Soto-Ashby. Angelo took the guy s hand in his and held their hands up. He s my husband. Holy mother. I m no longer Angelo Pagan, Angelo continued as if he hadn t just dropped a fucking bomb. I m Rafe Soto-Ashby, but you can still call me Angel. Jesus Christ! Mateo spun away. You fake your death. You change your name. You move out of state and you marry the cop who tried to put you in jail? Incredulous anger roughened his words. Why tell us now? We didn t have to know. Angelo-Rafe nodded. I didn t have to tell you, but I wanted to see Tommy. Make sure he was okay after all he d Why now? Mateo scoffed. Obviously you didn t think about him for the past few years you ve been gone. He slashed a hand through the air. Why do you give a fuck now? Teo, Tommy admonished quietly. It s okay. Rafe pursed his lips. When Pablo was in charge of Los P, he d let me know how Tommy was doing anytime I asked. He didn t tell me Tommy had run off until recently, and I decided to let him know I was around so he d have family. Tommy blinked. Family. We re your family, Pablo said. You never have to feel alone like you did in California. I knew that. Tommy swallowed. I knew you were there for me, he told Pablo. I just needed to be with me for a while. And now? Rafe asked. Now I have Teo. He smiled at his lover, whose face softened. Mateo moved closer to him and touched his nape. Tommy shivered. I have Teo, and the rest, he glanced over at Rafe, the rest will work itself out in time. Why the big reveal? Mateo asked. How do you know you can trust us? Mateo didn t appear to be willing to forgive Rafe or Pablo anytime soon. His tone was scathing, jaw tight as he stared first Rafe, then Pablo down, as if he were daring them to do& something. It s a gamble. Gabe was the one who answered Mateo s question. He moved forward, took a step toward Tommy and Mateo, his expression carefully neutral. Believe me, I get how messed up
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