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Soon as Amory had grown accustomed to the one, Bren added a finger. In and out, those two dipped Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html into Amory. Bren s whole body tensed with the efforts. Had to make this right. Air panted in and out of his mouth like a speeding shuttle. Zelda continued at the front of the young man. She seemed to be pulling away, then taking him to the root within her mouth. At least from the glimpses Bren sneaked every now and then. Seeing his mates together like this inflamed him. His third finger pressed into Amory s opening. In and out, they ducked in, stretching, making the room needed for Amory to take something bigger. The moment Bren had been waiting for was almost at hand. Time to drive himself into Amory s depths and take the man. Amory let out a groan. He was close. Now, Bren needed to act. He didn t waste any time. Wanted to be in Amory before the orgasm took him over the edge. Ride him before the afterglow set in. He pressed Amory forward a little. Just enough to get his ass perfectly lined up with Bren s cock. Bren dumped a large squirt of lube down into Amory s hole. Was this happening? Bren shook his head. So many dreams about doing this with his mates. And now, it had come to pass. If only this moment could last forever. The three of them together and only the three. Alone and tucked away from the world. Zelda hunkered down even lower, keeping her head with Amory s hips, so that she could keep her mouth on him. Amory let out a deeper moan. The sound echoed from the walls. Bren struck, pressing his tip into the entrance to Amory s ass. Muscles clenched around him as he stopped at the barely-in position, letting Amory adjust. Didn t want to hurt him but damn, the feel of the man around him, made him want to drive himself to the hilt. Yet, he held himself back until he felt the slightest relaxation of Amory s body. Steadying himself, Bren dove in more, then pulled back out, only to go a little further. Repeating the motion, the next downturn lodged himself fully within Amory. Such a wonderful sensation, encased within his lover. Amory s ass muscles clenched around him as his entire body went into a ball of tension, readying himself for the orgasm to come. Bren gritted his teeth against the urge to pound, keeping his strokes simple and slow.Wait for the moment . When Amory threw his head back against him in abandon, lost in his own climax, Bren increased the harshness of his thrusts. He couldn t hold back any longer. Needed to go fast. Furious. Take his own pleasure within the backdoor of Amory s body. Needed to join with him in a dance older than Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html the galaxies. Amory s grunts spurred him on to new heights. Such pleasure in the sounds his lover made. Bren took pleasure in every movement, every sound. He d never been closer to another man as he was to Amory at that moment. They d joined in the best way possible. Emotion centered in Bren s chest, constricting it and sending him into the oblivion. When the climax struck, Bren s eyes flashed stars. Lights flashed before his eyes. His body wrung out the climax like it was an old rag. All three heartstones glimmered in the shuttle. Bren didn t have to see them to know the glow. He could sense their glimmers even without his eyes. Amory would have fallen, but Bren managed to hold them both up. He extricated himself from Amory s ass as carefully as he could. A final shudder wracked Amory as Bren pulled completely free. Zelda licked her lips, looking up at them. With her love reflecting in her eyes. She licked her top lip, as though she didn t want a drop of Amory s cum to go to waste. Well, you two do know how to give distraction. Bren centered Amory so that he could stand on his own two feet and stood to his full height. His knees still knocked from the orgasm. But his lady hadn t gotten much out of that deal. She d had her fun with her mouth, but no climax of her own. Not the way he played their time together. He grabbed her, picking her up. Her eyes frosted with icy piss and vinegar. Put me down. He tossed her on the shuttle bunk, where they should have had their tryst. None of their minds had been thinking of waiting, but Zelda s knees would probably ache from the length of time she d spent on them. He d rub them once this whole thing was over and done with. There you go. Bren.