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Jordan, why don t you take a breather and sit down? The pacing is making me nervous. He looked up at Lauren now who had her arm stretched around her little girls sitting in the two seats between her and her husband, Gary. He was amazed at the similarities between her and Renee. While Renee wore her hair in natural thick, cinnamon brown curls and had a curvy, voluptuous body that wouldn t quit, Lauren was more lanky, taller and wore her black hair blow-dried straight. Renee s casual wear clashed with Lauren s business attire that matched her husband s expensive sweaters and loose slacks. Gary stood and patted him on the back. Maybe we can work out those nerves and get everyone some coffee. And some hot cocoa, daddy, Lisa, the oldest of the two said. And some hot cocoa, he echoed with a smile. Is Grandma and Grandpa still on their way? Angie, the younger one asked her mother. Lauren gently caressed her daughter s cheek. We re working on it, baby. They should be here in a few hours, Jordan said. They may be a bit tired coming off the plane but I m sure they d want to see, Renee. Renee s parents had tried to get a flight in but at the last minute it was pretty much near impossible. Jordan had pulled strings to get them a private flight over thanks to his father s jet. The old man had been reluctant to do anything to help him in connection with Renee, but the reminder of Jordan s evidence against his infidelities kept him in line. Jordan was ready to fight fire with fire after all the old man put him through. He wouldn t get off that easily, especially after the harsh words he threw at Renee. Is Auntie going to be okay? Angie asked. Lauren smiled and pulled her little girl into her lap. She ll be fine, sweetie. We have only the best helping her. Angie burrowed her head in Lauren s shoulder and peered up at Gary who offered her a thin but reassuring smile. Jordan s heart swelled at the little family. He had made sure to have the best doctors shipped in from all over the world to help Renee s condition. It didn t matter the cost. Renee s well being was of the utmost importance. After all he had been through and after lacking it in his own family, Jordan knew this was something he wanted for himself and for Renee. Comfort and support. He was tired of running around with uncertainty in his future and he had meant everything he told his father. This was what it was like to settle down and it was only the tip of the iceberg for what he wanted for Renee. His hand warmed as he remembered the look in her eyes when they wheeled her down the hall. She was a strong woman but the sparkle in her eyes and the misty dew of tears told him she was scared. He wanted to be in there with her, holding her hand the whole way through. But he knew procedure and knowing his weakness for protecting her, he wouldn t be able to focus on the surgery if he had done it himself. The walk will probably do me good, Jordan said. Gary kissed Lauren on the cheek before he left toward the cafeteria. Thankfully it was pretty sparse of people. Jordan didn t think he could stand a chatting crowd about now. There were a few familiar faces still working in the area. Sheila had transferred to another hospital at his insistence and while he was in town, Jordan continued to see after his own patients before he prepared to bring Renee back home to the St. Thomas villa. Now if they could only get through this& Does it ever get any easier? he asked Gary as they stood in line to order. Gary s brown eyes darkened a bit as he shook his head. Never does. You have your ups and down and hardships. Sometimes you wonder how you ll ever get out& but then you see the love of your life and you realize how much it s worth it to fight through it all. He sighed and ran a hair over his dark bald head. We re going to get through this. It s good Renee has someone like you. She s a strong woman but everyone needs a support system. I m going to be there for her through it all, Jordan said. I m not going anywhere. Gary smiled and gently patted Jordan s shoulder. Good man. After they grabbed refreshments and returned back to the waiting room, Jordan spotted Malkia stepping outside of the ICU. She looked around until she spotted them and immediately started toward them. Jordan was sure his heart leaped up into his throat at that moment. He could barely breathe much less say a word as he and Gary rejoined Lauren and the kids. How is she? Lauren asked right away Malkia didn t hesitate to fill them in. The surgery went successfully. We removed the cyst and now we just need to see how she heals. Renee is a fighter so I have no doubt she ll be back on her feet in no time. I just want to keep her here for observation and to make sure there aren t any other problems. We re wheeling her into a room now. Can we see her? Jordan asked. Malkia smiled. She s a bit weary but you can go in one at a time. Just for a moment so she can sleep. Lauren placed her hand on Jordan s back, calling his attention to her. You go ahead Jordan. We ll go after. Jordan smiled, grateful for the offering. He handed Gary his hot coffee cup before following Malkia to Renee s room. He had been in many hospital rooms before to see his patients but never had he been as scared as he when he walked into Renee s room where she lay on the bed, resting. She looked tired and yet peaceful at the same time. His heart swelled when he saw her and he wanted to rush over to her, scoop her into his arms and hold her to him forever. When Malkia left them alone, closing the door behind her, Renee slowly awakened and turned to him. Her tired face lit up right away when she saw him and she raised her arms to him. Jordan wasted no time rushing over to her to lean down and give her a hug and kiss. Oh, baby, I ve been worried about you, he said. He wheeled a chair over so he could sit at her side while cradling her hand in his. Everybody s been waiting while you went through surgery. How do you feel? Like Rip Van Winkle twice over, Renee said softly. Everybody? Yeah, your sister and her family. Your parents are on their way. I had to send a jet for them because they couldn t get a flight in time. Oh, Jordan, Renee moaned. You didn t have to do that. I did and it s done, he said, caressing her hand. So don t worry. Just focus on getting better so we can start making those babies. Renee smiled as tears came to her eyes. Did they get rid of it? Will I be able to have children? Dr. Westmore said you ll have to heal first but one way or another, we ll have our family. Renee wiped a tear from her eye and started up at the ceiling. I had this dream last
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