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building grimy cities and factories, for buying and selling things, for all the practical and temporary accouterments of the world. Nothing is built to last on the east bank, and most of the dwellings are simple brick buildings that always seem to be in some phase of construction or destruction. But to find the spiritual component, all you have to do is look across the Nile to the west bank. It is the spiritual realm awaiting us, the place where even the sun goes when it dies to the world. The west bank is for tombs, pyramids, monuments, and things built to last forever. It is the eternal realm, the dwelling place of the gods, and it is just across the river. In ancient times, no one was allowed to live or farm on the west bank. It was reserved for the gods. I miss that clear demarcation between the temporal and the eternal. I miss that constant reminder that there exists an Above that determines our reality Below. Submissions Please submit your articles on any aspect of alchemy. We are looking fora biographies, historical articles, practical laboratory work, spagyric recipes, philosophical pieces, experiences in personal transformation, spiritual insights, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, book reviews, film and video reviews, website reviews, artwork, etc. Please submit your material or queries to the Alchemy Journal, P.O. Box 22201, Sacramento, CA 95822-0201. You may also submit materials via email to the Editor at DWHauck@alchemylab.com or to the Assistant Editor, Tiffany-Nicole Hill at Zyons_touch@yahoo. com. Acknowledgements "Alchemy: The Cosmological Yoga" by Maurice Aniane is from an article of the same name that first appeared in Material for Thought magazine, San Francisco, Califorrnia in Spring 1976. Subscriptions The Alchemy Journal is posted bimonthly at the Alchemy Lab website on the journal archives page at www.AlchemyLab.com/journal.htm. To subscribe to the journal, send a blank email to AlchemyJournal- subscribe@yahoogroups.com. Alchemy Resources http://www.alchemylab.com/AJ2-2nf.htm (14 of 15)5/6/2005 1:51:09 AM Alchemy Journal Vol.2 No.2. Alchemergy (Modern Alchemy) http://www.Alchemergy.com Alchemy Guild (Membership Organization) http://www.AlchemyGuild.org Alchemy Lab (Alchemy Articles, Files, and Gallery) http://www.AlchemyLab.com Alchemy Website (Original Alchemy Texts) http://www.levity.com/alchemy/ Crucible Catalog (Books, Tapes, Labware, Tinctures, Herbs) http://www.Crucible.org Flamel College (Alchemy and Hermetic Courses) http://www.FlamelCollege.org Return to Top © 2001 All Rights Reserved. Published by ETX. http://www.alchemylab.com/AJ2-2nf.htm (15 of 15)5/6/2005 1:51:09 AM
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