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help. The pigeon might just as well have dropped his wallet into a river full
of crocodiles. He knows right where it is. And all he can do is stand on the
muddy shore and wring his hands. So I'm the salvage expert. And I've "own a
lot of crocodiles. So I make a deal with him. I dive down, bring it up, and
split it with him, fifty-fifty. When a man knows his expectation of recovery
is zero, recovering half is very attractive. If I don't make it, I'm out
"Or you are a dainty dish for the crocs, man." "So far I've been indigestible.
Now Janine Bannon is a client. She doesn't know it yet. Tush would have been.
A client in the classic sense of the legal squeeze. I don't understand the
killing. They didn't need that. I know one thing. I have to watch myself on
this one. Strangers make the best clients. Then -I can play the odds and stay
cold. Here I'm too emotionally hung up. I'm too angry, too sick at heart. A
dirty, senseless act. So I have to watch it."
She pondered it for a time. "Just one thing that bothers me, darling. How do
you find... enough new clients?"
I told her how I had found the last one, by combing very carefully through all
the local items in the fat Sunday edition of a Miami paper. Of the items I
marked that looked interesting, one was an apologetic announcement from a
stamp collector's club that Mr. So-and-So, a very long and complicated Greek
name, the well-known restauranteur had, at the last minute, decided to
withdraw from the exhibition and not show his complete and extremely valuable
collection of Greek postage stamps, which had included the famous 1857 Dusty
Rose, which had brought $21,000 at a New York auction house in 1954:
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I'd called an officer of the Philatelic Society who said the old gentleman was
not mad at anybody, that he took a lot of pleasure in exhibiting his
collection and having it admired, and that though he had sounded upset, he had
not given any reason for withdrawing.
It had taken a little more research to find out what company insured the
collection. An agent who said he had never met the old gentleman gave me his
card. So I took his card and his name and presented myself to the old
gentleman and said we wished, to make a new appraisal of the collection. He
stalled. The collection was in the vault at the bank. He was very busy. Some
other time. So I said we had reason to believe he had disposed of some of the
He broke down. He had been remounting the collection under glass for the
exhibition. He had to leave his home for a doctor's appointment. He returned.
Twenty-two of the most valuable stamps, including the Dusty Rose, were
"So he was the patriarch of a big family, all very close, all sensitive to
scandal, and his wife had died, and he had been remarried for two years to
something of the same coloring, general impact and impressive dimension of the
late Jayne Mansfield, a lassy big enough to make two of the old boy, and he
was so certain she had clouted his valuable toys he'd been afraid to make a
report to the cops or claim insurance. So I followed the lady to an afternoon
assignation with the hotel beachboy who'd blackmailed her into heisting the
stamps, and after I got through shaking him up and convincing him that the old
gentleman had arranged to have her last two male chums dropped into the
Florida Straits wired to old truck parts, he produced eleven stamps, including
the gem of the collection, and was so eager to explain where and how he had
fenced the other eleven he was letting off a fine spray of spit. I helped him
pack, and put him on a bus and waved good-bye and had a nice little talk with
the big blonde about how I had just barely managed to talk two tough old Greek
pals of her husband's from hiring local talent to write a little warning with
a hot wire across her two most obvious endowments. A cop friend shook the
missing items out of the fence, and I told the old man it hadn't been his wife
at all, and he had every reason to trust her. So he hopped around and sang and
chuckled and we went to the bank and he gave me thirty thousand cash, a
generous estimate of half the value, and he gave me a note that gives me free
meals for life in the best Greek restaurants in four states, and the whole
thing took five days, and I went right back to my retirement, and maybe three
weeks later one Puss Killian came along and enriched it considerable." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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