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point for now, and came back out of the office to the secretarial area.
 Carol, could you pull out a few things for Mr. Jeffreys, Garsten said to the
brunette who had been there when Corfe went in. He handed her the list that he
had jotted down. Then the phone rang in the office behind him.  That s
probably somebody I ve been expecting, he told Corfe.  Excuse me, but I ll
have to leave you. Carol will show you out. And with that, he went back into
his office and closed the door.
 Busy guy, Corfe commented, casually taking in the surroundings while Carol
rummaged in her desk and on a shelf behind.
 It can get hectic. This is nothing, really. . . . Oh, it looks like I m out
of MTL4s. I ll see if there are any left next door.
Back in a second. She went out into the hall, and Corfe heard her call
something to Lisa. The other chair in the room was still empty. Corfe was left
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
on his own. He blinked. Breaks like this didn t happen every day. In that
case, all the more reason to make the best of them when they did. He looked
around frantically.
A wooden cabinet of drawers stood by the wall behind the desks, below several
shelves carrying books, journals, card indexes, and various office
accessories. Between the cabinet and the far corner was a worktop with storage
below for stationery supplies and assorted boxes. Stooping and peering in,
Corfe saw there was an awkward-to-reach space back in the corner, where
several cleaning cloths, several old binders, a broken Rolodex, and other odd
items had been pushed in a jumble. He reached inside the bookstore bag that he
was carrying and produced from it another, folded bag containing the mecs that
he had brought with him to hide. The package included two telebots and an
assortment of tools, besides the several smaller models that he and Kevin had
agreed on as a minimum initial task force. He dropped onto one knee and placed
the bag at the back of the space, out of sight behind the other things, and
straightened up again quickly. There were enough books left in the bag that he
was still holding to leave it unchanged in outward appearance. When Carol came
back, he was back by the door, admiring a print of a 19th century schooner.
Corfe returned to the van, which he had left in a parking lot a few blocks
away. From a console inside it, he activated one of the smallest mecs in the
package that he had left behind, and in the course of the lunch hour was able
to direct it up onto the worktop, and from there to a recess in the mounting
bracket of a wall lamp, high up in the room where it would be unlikely to be
noticed for the rest of the day. He then changed channels to activate another
mec, and placed that one among the leaves of a potted plant on top of a file
cabinet on the opposite side of the room. The second also contained an
acoustic system that a couple of the engineers at Neurodyne were experimenting
with, adapted from Kevin and Taki s models, and could thus pick up sound.
Corfe left their transmissions on auto record and went off on foot to spend
the afternoon amusing himself in the city.
From the positions that Corfe had selected, the two mecs commanded a clear
line of sight to both of the secretaries
terminals and keyboards. The result was that by the time Corfe collected the
van and left toward the end of the afternoon, he had not only successfully
infiltrated the devices needed to commence the operation tomorrow, but he also
had on tape the full sequences of codes and passwords for accessing Garsten s
system. He also had an audio record of a lot of gossip and personal secrets
between Garsten s two secretaries some of it quite entertaining, but nothing
immediately relevant to his purpose.
Kevin peered into a deep, crawl-size passage with floor and sides of streaky
yellowish metal plastered with globs of oily mud. The ceiling consisted of
massive, square-cut slabs of the same metal, set at varying heights along the
length of the passage. All but the one nearest to him were wedged with props
sawn exactly to length from pieces of paperclip. Reaching in with an arm, he
braced one of his steel-jointed hands underneath the last pin of the lock in
the old two-drawer file cabinet in Taki s workshop, and moved it upward in its
guide, stopping every few inches at least, what seemed to him to be inches to
work it experimentally to and fro and from side to side. He felt the friction
reduce suddenly, and the lateral play increase. The top of the pin was at the
shear line, where it would normally be positioned by its particular notch on
the key. Unaided human fingers wouldn t have felt the change without years of
training and practice. But to somebody mec-
size, it felt like a boat lifting onto the water as it was pushed off a beach.
Kevin used the scale that he had marked on a steel sliver to measure the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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