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I looked at the blood trickling down his hand and gasped.  Ares, I m& I m sorry. I tried
to let go of his hand, but he held on to me.
 Calm down, Artemis. Look. He repositioned my hand in his so that he was still holding
mine, but I could see the wounds I had made from my fingernails. The half circles that were
filled with blood slowly stopped bleeding and then the skin closed completely with no sign of the
cuts except the blood staining his hand.
Victor leaned over the back of our seats and handed Ares a handkerchief.  Would you
mind? I m hungry and I don t think you want another incident like Bosnia.
Ares rolled his eyes.  You should have eaten before we left and Bosnia wasn t my fault.
Koda bit me.
Koda sat down in an empty seat across from us.  I was only ten and you were being
Victor scoffed.  It took me three days to heal from that crash and my father spent five
thousand dollars on outside help to finally convince the humans that it had been a lightning
Ares rolled his eyes.  That s pocket change to your father and besides it would have been
fine if you had eaten before we got on the plane with two hundred humans.
I looked at Victor as the pieces of what they were talking about fit into place.  You ate
two hundred humans?
Victor shushed me and whispered,  No, I tried to eat Ares and he changed and the
humans freaked and I killed the two hundred humans.
I looked at Ares.  You killed them?
Ares shook his head.  No, I was fighting with Koda because he was trying to eat the
humans. Victor killed them.
Koda shrugged.  I d only changed twice and humans smell very good when you re a
I wrinkled my nose in disgust.  If you say so.
 You don t think they smell good? Asked Koda.
 They smell like humans, not food. I said seriously.
Ares smiled at me.  Really?
I blushed and looked down.  Something else that makes me not normal?
Victor was tapping his chin with his finger loudly.  It must be because she was raised
around them and that boy was so close to her when she was fighting the changes so many times.
She must have just associated their smell with friends. You know the wolves , friend, foe or food
Koda scoffed in the seat across from us.  Food can be foe or friend also.
I looked up at him in shock.  You d eat a friend?
Ares shook his head smiling.  Not a friend as in another wolf, but like a friendly dog.
I stared at Ares then saw the smile Victor had to the side of me.  That s really not funny.
Victor and Ares laughed loudly and the overweight woman in front of us turned her head
and shushed us. I stuck my tongue out at her and she turned back around whispering loudly to
the balding man beside her about  disrespectful youth .
Ares reached across me and my heart sped up instantly at the nearness of his body to
mine. His smile widened as he pushed up the window cover so we could see outside the plane. I
closed my eyes as he and Victor looked out the window. Ares whispered,  Artemis, just look.
It s very beautiful.
I shook my head and squinted my eyes closed harder.  No thanks. I ll pass.
Victor sighed.  And here I thought the Great Ares would get an adventurous mate, but it
looks like he got a wimp.
I nodded my head with my eyes still closed.  Yep, sorry Victor, not falling for the bait.
The plane bounced around as we hit a patch of turbulence and I gripped the arms of the
seat and squealed in fear. The arms began moaning in protest of my grip and Ares pried my left
hand off the arm between us and held my hand.  Artemis, do you think I m a liar?
I turned my head towards him and opened one eye.  What? The plane was jolted again
and I closed my eyes squeezing tightly on his hand and the right chair arm.
He whispered,  I told you that I wouldn t let anything happen to you and yet you re
destroying the plane in your fear of the plane falling. Do you think I m lying when I tell you that
I ll protect you?
The pain and sincerity in his voice made me open my eyes and loosen my grip. I looked
at him and it caused my stomach to knot up at the sight of his pain.  I don t think you re a liar,
but you couldn t possibly protect me from everything.
Ares frowned.  So you do think I m a liar? I ll just have to prove it to you. He leaned
towards me and cupped my face with his hands. His skin was warm and his breath was hot as he
kissed me on the lips. Fire exploded in my body and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He
pulled away from the kiss and whispered,  Nothing matters to me now except you. This plane
could fall on my mother s house and my only worry would be your safety. Trust me to protect
you. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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