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A: I m sorry to say that for a regular monthly fee you can have a link to your site placed on a related site. These links are usually priced according to the PageRank and Alexa score of the hosting Web site. Before you go running to the bank, let s discuss the downsides associated with this practice... 1) Text Links are very expensive. 2nd tier directories will provide you with a lifetime link for less than the monthly cost associated with a link from a PR4-5. 2) How do you think the engines would react to this? At best, they ll consider it advertising and ignore it. But would it surprise you if I told you that Google is blocking the PR value of sites that actively sell links for the purpose of artificially inflating link popularity? It shouldn t be a surprise. My recommendation? Keep it real. Avoid. There are not strategies -- just do what you would normally do. Get good links in, ones that make sense for your site. 3.5. An OUTgoing Link Program? Carefully... AND Selectively Throughout Make Your Links WORK!, I sprinkled advice about outgoing or outbound links. This sub-chapter summarizes all the reasons why you would want to link out of your site. Let s take it from the top... Reason #1) High-value OUTbound links provide value to your visitors. Visitors appreciate being presented with quality, credible links to related material that further enhances their surfing experience. Be highly selective. 65 Make Your Links WORK! Reason #2) Linkage counts both ways with the engines, INcoming and OUTgoing. Reason #3) Links OUT count with the human editors of directories, too. Bottom line? If they (visitors, editors, SE spiders) see you provide bona fide links to other quality sites, your site is more credible. It s a more valuable resource. So don t make all OUTgoing links purely monetary affiliate links. Please don t ignore this. You only need a couple of high-value OUTbound links to establish that extra bit of credibility. Include your keywords in the link text, too (just like in-pointing links). Key Reminder& Nothing is more damaging than linking to a bad Web site. Always keep in mind that a link out puts your seal of approval on the receiving Web site. Should that site be of low quality, visitors will question your judgment. Should it be a link farm or otherwise involved with some strategy that is rightfully in the engines bad books, you suffer. The finish line is just ahead. It s time for the wrap-up... 66 Make Your Links WORK! 4. Single Best Course Of Action Build a super-high-quality niche site. By far, the easiest long-term strategy for building link popularity is a passive one. The absolute best way to garner links is by building a site of such high quality that people want to link to it, in order to increase the value of their own visitor s experience. What could be easier? Your link popularity builds itself! The Tao of SBI! guarantees it. All you need to do to succeed? Start the ever-building snowball careening downhill. Once you do that, Content and visitor reaction feed all off-page criteria (including inbound links), which feed more Traffic, which builds more off-page criteria, while you keep building more Content. All that great content PREsells visitors, delivering more off-page criteria and leading to Monetization... C T P M And round and round it goes, while you focus on what counts (instead of the minutiae of SEO or endless hours on link-exchanging ). And how do you start that snowball rolling? By building a simple inbound link program, sprinkled with a few high-quality value exchanges (be patient) and even a couple of super-high-quality outbound-only links. Specifically... #1) Get IN-coming links from theme-specific sections of the major directories and 2nd tier directories. #2) Get IN-coming links from themed directories and hub sites. #3) Participate in SiteSell s Value Exchange, the most REAL way to identify high- value sites which want to link to your site. If you haven t done so yet, please sign up now. The search for quality sites that match your theme automatically kicks into gear. #4) OUTbound-link with high-quality theme-related, non-competing sites as you happen to discover them in the course of normal business or surfing -- exchange links with them, if possible. And if you have several similar theme-related sites, cross-link them only if/when there is a perfectly natural, normal reason to do so. 67 Make Your Links WORK! Remember that in-coming and out-going links are both important. In general, of course, you want to have far more inbound than outgoing links. But a few, sheer value links (above and beyond any affiliate links) qualify you in so many ways. I ll repeat the same advice that was given earlier... Code your HTML so that you open a new window with these links and keep your site present underneath. Bottom line on link popularity? For small businesses working the niches, a few credentializing links from recognized resources and good sites (#1-4, just above) are all you need to start the C T P M snowball. They increase your relevance for related keywords. They help keep your young, growing site from being dropped from the various Search Engine indices. And they get you into the no-submission engines. Past that, conscious hours of link-exchanging effort rapidly run into the law of diminishing returns. Create Content instead. Great Content. The Tao of SBI! takes care of the rest. 68 Special Insert The Next Generation of e-Business Building& SBI! 2.0 Launch Date: October 22, 2009 Site Build It! leverages the e-business-growing efforts of its owners by adding the ability of their site visitors to add genuine, full content Web pages that deliver long-tail search traffic, build community and spread virally. Typical sites and blogs tell in a one-to-many voice, and are all about the author. SBI! 2.0 sites listen, are many-to-many, and are all about their visitors. Combine the best of Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter on a small e-business scale and you have SBI! 2.0! This business-leveraging module is included, at no extra charge. Up until now, true Web 2.0 technology was financially out of reach for small business owners. Blogs became their sub-optimal default choice. The most business-related interaction these owners could hope to generate was a comment here and there on a blog post. The problem is that the majority of people who follow a blog, which equates to a stack of newspaper clippings that age rapidly, just want to read the latest post and they usually don't bother to comment or read outdated posts. SBI! 2.0 is unique. It s not the one-to-many type of content-building, like blogging, where you still do all the content-creating. It's many-to-many where your visitors want to share information, while others comment, rate and spread the word. Not only does your site grow with true content, you learn more from your visitors by liberating them to
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