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power. Therefore, instead of attempting a futile rationalization of our clas- sification versus the many interesting and insightful classifications of others, such as those presented Section 1, we will delineate the explanatory power of our approach, pointing out any relevant similarities to other approaches. Intuitively, computer viruses that are classified as unassisted within our classification are those that are reproductively isolated, i.e., those that do not require the help of external entities during their reproductive process. Consequently, those are classified as assisted require help of external entities for their reproduction. Here our approach is similar to the work of Taylor [32], who makes the distinction between unassisted and assisted reproduction with respect to artificial life. Many other formal descriptions of computer viruses are based on descrip- tions of functionality and behaviour. For example, Cohen describes viral 33 behaviour using Turing machines [8], Adleman uses first-order logic [1] and Bonfante et al [3, 4] base their approach on recursion theorems. Our ap- proach differs in that the focus is not the virus s behaviour, but rather on the ecology of the virus, i.e., the environment in which reproduction takes place. For example, we might consider an operating system or a network to be essential parts of the virus s environment which facilitate reproduction, and by casting them as external entities we can then classify as (un)assisted, or by using metrics as given in Section 3.6. Our approach bears some similarities to the work of Filiol et al [12] on their formal theoretical model of behaviour-based detection, which uses ab- stract actions (similar to those used in Section 2.5) to form behavioural de- scriptions of computer viruses. The emphasis on behaviour-based detection is complementary to the approach to automated computer virus classification presented in Section 3, in which the affordance of actions by external enti- ties is directly related to the behaviours observable by behaviour monitoring software of a computer virus, and the resulting classification is tailored the behaviour monitoring capabilities of a particular anti-virus software. Our classification of computer viruses is a special case of the construction and classification of reproduction models from our earlier work [38, 35], which places computer viruses within the broader class of natural and artificial life forms. This relationship between computer viruses and other forms of life has been explored by Spafford [30] in his description of computer viruses as artificial life, and by Cohen s treatise [9] on living computer programs. The comparison between computer viruses and other reproductive systems has resulted in interesting techniques for anti-virus software such as computer immune systems [22, 29, 19], and in that sense we hope that the formal re- lationship between computer viruses and other life forms has been further demonstrated by this paper, and could assist in the application of concepts from the study of natural and artificial life to problems in the field of com- puter virology. In addition, we believe our description of computer viruses within a formal theoretical framework also capable of describing natural and artificial life systems further supports the ideas of Spafford and Cohen: that computer viruses are not merely a dangerous annoyance or a computational curiosity, but a life form in their own right. 4.2 Future Work In Section 3.6 we showed how using a simple metric we could compare the reliance on external entities of two viruses written in Visual Basic Script. It should also be possible to develop more advanced metrics for comparing viruses with assisted classification. For example, a certain sequence of ac- 34 tions which require external entities may flag with a certain level of certainty a given viral behaviour. Therefore it would seem logical to incorporate this into a weighted metric that reflects the particular characteristics of these viruses. Different metrics could be employed for different languages, if dif- ferent methods of behaviour monitoring are used for Visual Basic Script and Win32 executables, for example. In Section 3 we described some methods for automatic classification by static and dynamic analysis. A natural extension of this work would be to describe these methods formally, perhaps by using the formal definition of reproduction models as a starting point. A useful application would be formal proofs of the assertions made informally in Section 3.1, e.g., that all computer virus reproduction models are classified as unassisted when that model describes a computer virus executed within a sandbox. Following on from the discussion above, another possible application of our approach is towards the assessment of anti-virus behaviour monitoring software via affordance-based models. As mentioned before, there are some similarities between our approach and the recent work by Filiol et al [12] on the evaluation of behavioural detection strategies, particularly in the use of abstract actions in reasoning about viral behaviour. Also, the use of be- havioural detection hypotheses bears a resemblance to our proposed antivirus ontologies. In future we would like to explore this relationship further, per- haps by generating a set of benchmarks based on our formal reproduction models and classifications, similar to those given in [12]. Recent work by Bonfante et al [3] discusses classification of computer viruses using recursion theorems, in which a notion of externality is given through formal definitions of different types of viral behaviour, e.g., compan- ion viruses and ecto-symbiotes that require the help of a external entities, such as the files they infect. An obvious extension of this work would be to work towards a description of affordance-based classification of computer viruses using recursion theorems, and conversely, a description of recursion- based classification in terms of formal affordance theory. Following on from earlier work [35, 38], it might also be possible to further sub-classify the space of computer viruses using notions of abstract actions such as the sets of actions corresponding to the self-description or reproduc- tive mechanism of the computer virus. We might formalise this by defining predicates on the actions in a reproduction model; e.g., one predicate might hold for all actions which are part of the payload, i.e., that part of the virus that does not cause the virus to reproduce, but instead produces some side-
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