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Groups, and provide free Gita correspondence course to the youth, students, busy
executives and other interested persons.
4. To provide inspiration, cooperation, and support to persons and non-profit
organizations engaged in the study and propagation of the Vedic knowledge; and to arrange
lectures, seminars, and short courses on meditation, yoga, and metaphysical sciences.
5. To break the barriers between faiths, and establish unity of races, religions castes, and
creeds through the immortal non-sectarian teachings of the Vedas, Upanishads, Gita,
Ramayana, as well as other major world scriptures such as the Dhammapada, the Bible, and
the Koran; and to promote the Universal Brotherhood of Humankind.
Readers interested in promoting the ideals of the society are invited to correspond with the secretary:
The American Gita Society
511 Lowell Place
Fremont, California 94536-1805 117, USA
International Gita Society
Gita Bhavan
C-3 Khapara Mohal, Kanpur 208 004, INDIA
Visit American/International Gita Society Webpage: www.gita-society.com/gita3rd.htm
For Gita in Hindi with Sanskrit verses, and comprehensive study of the Gita in
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