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Roberto. My enthusiasm deserted me at the sight of my guys nestled together on the
couch, sound asleep. I sighed and returned to the kitchen. I managed to schlep Danny
to his room without waking him and Roberto stirred to a half-conscious state long
enough to give me a sloppy good-night kiss and stagger to bed. With another sigh, I
sank onto the sofa.
The house rang with silence, too much silence. I flipped through TV channels and
happened upon a science show focused on the Costa Rican rainforest. On any other
day, I would’ve watched it with great interest, but tonight Costa Rica was the last place
I wanted to think about. In restless disgust, I turned off the television.
I picked up the novel I’d been trying to read for six weeks but found it too tedious
to slog through. Accepting defeat, I turned the TV on again. If nothing else, I could find
a syndicated crime drama. Damned if I didn’t find one where the plot revolved around
a Latino entrepreneur in the import business. I shook my head and laughed to avoid
dissolving into tears.
After I’d switched off the television, I lay back on the couch. Thoughts in all
directions swirled around my brain. I thought of Alejandro and his delicious rhythms.
Every single muscle within the man pulsed with raw energy and sexuality. Not so
different from Roberto in his younger days. And the potential had never deserted him.
Dreaming of husky Latin whispers and unbridled kisses, I slipped my hand inside
my panties. My fingers found the right spot with little delay. I drew in a deep breath,
relaxing into the pleasure…
“¿Mamita?” Roberto’s voice interrupted my interlude.
I sighed. “Yeah?”
“You coming to bed?”
Love Game
“In a minute.” I extricated my hand.
He turned then stopped. “I don’t sleep well when you’re not there.”
The simple truth in his words registered with me and I closed away my need to
exist outside of him. The decision to join him in bed was an easy one to make.
Once I’d settled in with him under the quilt, he curled himself around me.
“G’night.” He gave me a light kiss.
“Good night,” I replied, feeling secure in the tender moment we’d created by
* * * * *
Sunday afternoon passed in peace and quiet to the point of being eerie. Danny had
gone to a friend’s house to play. Roberto still slept, a fact that irked me. Though I knew
why he stayed in bed, his absence irritated me nonetheless. The origin of this crankiness
required little effort to figure out, but I chose to ignore my better sense on the subject.
When two-thirty rolled around I shook my head in disgust. Sleeping until ten
o’clock was sleeping in. Sleeping until noon was decadent. But sleeping until two-thirty
in the afternoon was just plain lazy. I wanted to burst into the bedroom and shove him
out of bed, but my last shred of reasoning prevented me from doing so.
Dark clouds rolled in on the horizon. A spring thunderstorm had been in the
forecast. I hurried outside to take in the rugs airing on the clothesline before the
downpour started. A few drops had already started to fall. I rounded up the carpets
and headed to the side entrance. My stomach sank as I realized I’d failed to unlock the
Oh, fuck me, I sighed to myself.
The rain started to fall in earnest and thunder rumbled in the distance. I hurried to
the front door but found it locked too. How stupid that I’d locked myself outside? I
rang the doorbell a few times to no avail. The sky opened up and dumped a torrent of
rain on me.
Cindy Jacks
I ran around the side of the house and knocked on the bedroom window.
“Roberto,” I yelled.
No answer. I rapped harder.
The window behind the bed rattled open. “What are you doing, mami?”
“I’m getting soaked, that’s what I’m doing. Could you please let me in the kitchen
He lumbered to his feet and headed down the hall. I sprinted around the side of the
house. Shivers racked my body once I stepped into the air-conditioned house.
“Could you get me a towel, please?” I asked, struggling to remain calm.
“Sure.” He shuffled off.
His return seemed to take forever. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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