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Sonny's mouth. "I'm gonna drive a while, man. Sleep."
"Okay. Get us someplace good. Big bed ... tub." The words
started to slur, Sonny gone already.
"Uh-huh. I'll find something." He got the door shut, got
himself settled in the driver's seat, wrinkling his nose as
Sonny's blood seeped through his torn T-shirt from the seat.
What a fucking mess.
MJ pulled out just as the highway patrol pulled in. A
fucking mess, but they were moving and he'd be damned if
they got caught.
Racing the Moon
by BA Tortuga
He was never getting caught again.
* * * *
Sonny woke up feeling like he'd been beaten with a
baseball bat. By Jose Canseco in all of his steroid glory,
maybe. His body ached in places he didn't know he had
places. He tried to roll over on his back, stiffening as
screaming pain stopped him. As long as he stayed still he was
okay, if stiff. "Precious?"
"Yeah?" MJ was slumped in a chair by the window, the
fading sunlight shadowing the man's face. "You need another
shot, man?"
"Where are you?" He could barely see the man, damn it,
and he wanted ... well, he wanted to make sure it was really
MJ, and that he was really in one piece. "Get your ass over
"Bossy asshole." MJ stood up, moving slow and careful,
holding himself like he was blown from glass, but moving. The
shadows made the man look all fucking mottled and bruised.
"Damn it, and I didn't even get to do it to you." Sonny
tried to laugh, groaned instead. "Only bruises you should
wear are mine."
"No shit. I had a lot more fun fighting with you, Sunshine."
MJ got a pill bottle, shook out a few. "Here, take a couple of
these. They'll take the edge off."
Then MJ settled right there beside him, close enough to
"You okay, though?" he asked, chewing the pills down.
"Not pissing blood or anything?"
Racing the Moon
by BA Tortuga
Sonny reached out, carefully settling his hand on MJ's
"More sore than anything. Got a broken rib, maybe a
cracked shoulder blade. Nothing major." MJ reached out,
touched his arm. "I shot you up with some penicillin and
stitched you up some. Looks real clean."
"Cool. If I stay still, I'm good." Yeah, he was actually
pretty good right here, touching Precious, knowing they'd
made it. He started laughing.
MJ was just staring at him, sort of wide-eyed and dazed.
"You'll hurt yourself."
"I know. I know. But if you could have seen me riding to
the rescue ... I was a little out of my mind, Precious. I'm
amazed we're alive." God, that hurt, but it meant he was
there, alive.
"How'd you find me, man? Hell, I thought..." MJ shook his
head, eyes moving back to the window.
Man, after being locked up like that? MJ deserved a camp
out. Somewhere with no walls at all. Sonny stroked him. "I
know some people. I put out the word. Goddamn, it wasn't
"Glad you did, though. Somebody set me up." MJ stretched
out beside him, nose almost touching his. "Hey."
"Hey." Sonny rolled on his good side, just a little, enough
to be able to see MJ better. His breath huffed out, but he just
grabbed a pillow to prop himself up.
MJ frowned, hands sliding over him, settling him right
down. "You good, Sunshine? I don't want you pulling those
Racing the Moon
by BA Tortuga
"No, I'm fine. I just need ... well, I don't want to crowd
you, MJ. But damn." He was hungry for the touches.
"Crowd me?" MJ scooted closer, eyes searching his. Those
hands kept moving, kept petting him and searching him and
learning him.
"Uh-huh. Make you feel closed in." He touched, too, his
free arm moving so he could slide his hand up MJ's back and
his ribs, careful to avoid the heavily wrapped area.
"I'll mention if I do." MJ leaned in, brushed their lips
together, and then slid that hot tongue over his lips.
"Mmm." Oh, God, yeah. He'd been furious when MJ hadn't
shown, then scared, then determined to find him. Now he had
MJ, and Sonny took a kiss that made him hurt ... but hurt so
A deep, sweet sound pushed into his lips, MJ's fingers
sliding right around the back of his head. When he tried to
push closer they both grunted, all sorts of shit pulling and
aching, but Sonny wasn't giving this up. No way.
No fucking way.
"Easy. Easy. Don't want to fucking lose you." The words
were just growled against his lips before that tongue pushed
Nope. No one was losing anyone now. Not now. Tasting MJ
deep gave him a hint of orange juice and a slight taste of
toothpaste, but no weird banana things. MJ's lips wrapped
around his tongue, sucking just a little, eyes closing as MJ
hummed. Mmm. Good. God, it was good. His hand settled at
the base of MJ's neck, holding them together so he could bite
a little, beg a little with lips and tongue.
Racing the Moon
by BA Tortuga
Those hands were enough to make him purr, fingers on his
nipples, on his back, just teasing his balls. It wasn't enough
to make him ache, but fuck, it felt good.
It felt right.
Sonny had given up letting that make him feel weird.
They pulled apart just to breathe, maybe to look at each
other. MJ's lashes had blond ends. His cheeks were all
flushed, his face a study in bruises.
"You did it up right, Precious."
"They were waiting for me, man. They knew just where to
find me." MJ sighed, frowned, then shook his head. "Doesn't
matter right now. You found me."
"Mmmhmm. Kiss me some more so I know how happy you
are." He grinned, his nails scraping the back of MJ's neck.
"I can do that."
That was no lie. One kiss slid into another into another,
just sweet as shit. It made him, well, not hard. He wasn't
sure if he could do that right now. But he could sure enough
do kissing. He could do more touching, too, finding welts and
scrapes and loving on them.
Seemed to work just fine for MJ, too. The man relaxed,
just sort of oozed against him. They kissed lazily, like it was a
mimosa Sunday and they had all the time in the world. Lord
knew they probably didn't. They'd have to get moving. Not
now, but soon. Sonny ignored the thought, taking another
kiss, then another.
MJ started shaking some, the adrenaline rush finally
dissipating and letting his Precious go.
Racing the Moon
by BA Tortuga
"Mmm. Yeah, yeah, it's all right," he murmured against
MJ's mouth. "It's all good."
"Yeah. I know. You came." MJ nodded, breathing against
his chin, his jaw.
"I did. Soon as I sleep a little I'm gonna come, too." He
laughed again, thinking of how beat to hell they were.
MJ started chuckling, tongue licking at his lips. "In the
morning, we'll have to drive."
"I know. We should have pancakes first. I have clothes for
us. Shit." Stuff he couldn't remember. God, his head was
logy. "Money. Cards and all."
"Cool. We have to have a shower, too." MJ hummed, one
hand curled around his waist. "You smell fucking good,
"Yeah? Not like a skanky whore's bed?" He grinned,
nuzzling even closer, ignoring the twinges. "You make a
pretty wounded hero."
"I didn't think I was playing the hero." MJ's belly was hot,
smooth against him.
"No, like in a bad movie ... the wounded. Oh, never mind."
It wasn't worth it. They could fight later, when he had energy.
He looked forward to it, in fact.
MJ chuckled. "Man, one day we'll have to watch a movie
"Or go out for Chinese. This whole meeting with blood and
guts all over us? So getting to me." He grinned wildly. Fuck,
who was he kidding? Adrenaline was his friend.
"Mmm. A little blood's okay. No more guts."
Racing the Moon
by BA Tortuga
"No shit." He licked MJ's lips again, feeling how firm they
were, how hot. Savoring.
MJ's eyelids started drooping, breath slowing. "Sunshine."
"Sleep, Precious. We'll work the rest out tomorrow." His
own breathing started to even out, taking on the rhythm of
"Mmmhmm." MJ settled, legs tangled with his, hand
keeping him close.
They would sleep. Get their strength back. Then they'd hit
the road and fight and fuck all the way to Florida.
All they had to do was make it to the boat.
Then it was anywhere they wanted to go.
Racing the Moon
by BA Tortuga
Chapter Thirteen
He'd managed to coax Sonny into the back seat and get
the man doped and comfortable. Then he'd hit the road,
heading east. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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